Project rooms, booths and recording spaces have reopened in our libraries
Our project rooms, booths, and recording spaces have reopened in our libraries, with appropriate COVIDSafe measures in place, and are available to book via BookIT.
Project Rooms (including Baillieu Postgraduate Individual Study Rooms)
- Limited to a maximum of x1 booking of up to one hour, per person, per day.
- Limited to a maximum of x1 booking of up to one hour, per person, per day.
- limited to one person at a time only
Recording pods in the Baillieu and Giblin Eunson libraries
- The self-service recording pods in the Baillieu and the Giblin Eunson libraries are open and are limited to a maximum of x1 booking of up to 2 hours, per person, per day.
- Maximum occupancy of 2 people per room
Baillieu Ground North: trial of using quiet discussion area for online tutorials
- Baillieu Ground North has been temporarily re-designated as a space for students to use for online tutorials. Sstudents will be expected to wear headphones but will participate in tutorial discussions .
For the latest update on library access visit: https://students.unimelb.edu.au/student-support/coronavirus/return-to-campus/libraries
For up-to-date opening dates and times, please visit our Opening Hours webpage.
Feature image credit: photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash
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