News and Upcoming Events for November 2022
Throughout 2022 at the end of each month the Scholarly Development (Research) team will provide a snapshot of relevant scholarly research support news and events for the coming month.
Digital Skills Training
The Melbourne Data Analytics Platform invites graduate researchers and staff to register for our free digital research tool workshops. Connect with the UoM research community, discover how to collect and analyse data, visualise your research and work smarter not harder.
Our tools include:
- 3D Printing with TinkerCAD, Rhino3d and Makerbot Slicer
- LaTeX, a document preparation and high-quality typesetting system
- MATLAB, an interactive and intuitive programming language which performs matrix manipulations especially well
- NVivo, a qualitative data analysis tool
- Python, a general-purpose programming language
- R, a programming language for statistical computing and graphics
Please visit the Digital Skills Training page for more information on the availability of workshops.
If you have any queries please send them to: researcher-connect@unimelb.edu.au
Statistical Consulting Centre Courses
The Statistical and Consulting Centre runs fee-paying courses that anyone can enroll in subject to satisfying prerequisites.
Upcoming courses include:
Mixed Models in R
Online over two mornings: Tuesday 8 and Thursday 10 November 2022.
This course is suitable for researchers who need to fit mixed models to their data. Mixed models are also known as multi-level models or hierarchical models, and arise in most disciplines, in both designed experiments and observational studies. Some examples are cluster randomised trials in medicine, incomplete block designs in agriculture, hierarchical structures in education, repeated measures in the social sciences, and nested factors in ecology.
Some familiarity with R is necessary. One way of obtaining such familiarity, and learning useful statistics along the way, would be to take one of the following courses offered by the Statistical Consulting Centre:
- Statistics for Research Workers using R and R Markdown – November 2022
- Introduction to R and Reproducible Research – September 2022
Information and registering: https://scc.ms.unimelb.edu.au/statistics-courses/course-listing/mixed-models
Statistics for Research Workers using R and R Markdown
Face to face, six day intensive: 23 to 30 November 2022.
This course provides an introduction to foundational statistical methods and ideas used throughout statistics and data science. It uses R statistical software with RStudio and R Markdown. You will gain experience in the use of R as part of the course, but the focus is on statistical methods.
Information and registering: https://scc.ms.unimelb.edu.au/statistics-courses/course-listing/srw-R
Visualise Your Thesis International Competition Winners Announced
Congratulations to all the 2022 institutions for hosting a local competition and congratulate all the local winners that went on to the International competition.
View the full list of 2022 Local winners that competed in the international competition on the VYT 2022 Figshare repository.
2022 1st Place
Drew Min Su Cylinder
Neural Correlates of Behavioural Changes During Propofol General Anaesthesia in Caenorhabditis Elegans, The University of Queensland.
2022 2nd Place
Freya Muir
New Quest: Protect Our Beaches from Climate Change! The University of Glasgow.
2022 3rd Place
Samuel Widodo
Switching cancer-promoting macrophages to fight brain cancer, The University of Melbourne.
2022 Trending VYT Award Winner
Drew Min Su Cylinder
Neural Correlates of Behavioural Changes During Propofol General Anaesthesia in Caenorhabditis Elegans, The University of Queensland.
More information: https://sites.research.unimelb.edu.au/visualise-your-thesis#2022
Library items now Automatically Renewed
We’re happy to announce that from 11 October, we have implemented automatic renewals for 7 day, 28 day and 90 day loans. This means Sierra will renew eligible items automatically and library users won’t have to manually renew items.
This change is a result of feedback we have received from staff and students, a review we completed of other similar libraries across Australia, and our ongoing drive for continual improvement of our services.
All 7 day, 28 and 90 day loans will be automatically renewed unless:
- Someone else has requested the item
- The patron has fines amounting to $25 or over
- The patron reaches the limit for autorenewals
- It is a BONUS+ item
More information: please check here
New Request form for Orders
Collection Development have created a new Service Now form for suggesting material to be purchased for the library’s collections. Your one stop to request the purchase of a book, a journal or something else, the form can be found under the Library section of the Service Now Portal.
The Contact the Library page has been updated to reflect the new form.
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