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Have your say! Feedback wanted on latest of draft of The University of Melbourne Authorship Policy

The University of Melbourne Authorship Policy working group, with support from the Office of Research Ethics and Integrity, has reviewed the current University Authorship Policy (last reviewed 2015).

The working group invites you to visit the University Policy Consultation Hub to view the latest draft of the Authorship Policy and information sheet detailing notable changes to the policy.

Authorship is a crucial part of the research lifecycle and communicating your research with the broader community. The policy aims to provide clarity as to the University’s expectations around authorship. Further guidelines and documents will be developed post publication to support the implementation and provide guidance around the policy.

The working group has sought specialist input from key stakeholder groups prior to University wide consultation and is now seeking feedback from the broader University community prior to finalisation and publication in the Melbourne Policy Library. Check out the Policy Framework, which describes the review process in detail.

This review seeks to better align the Authorship Policy with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (2018) (‘the Code’) and accompanying Authorship Guide in addition to adherence to the  University policy format which supports the incorporation of the Authorship Procedure (MPF1041) and Authorship Dispute Resolution Procedure (MPF1039) within the Authorship Policy. The updated Authorship Policy will also support the Research Integrity and Misconduct Policy (MPF 1318)

Please provide any feedback on the proposed draft by COB Friday 25 November 2022 for consideration by the working group via email

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