Ethics, Innovation and Impact in academic publishing today

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Dr Virginia Barbour, Executive Officer of the Australian Open Access Support Group (AOASG)  is one of the featured speakers at the University of Melbourne’s Researcher @ Library Week.

Thursday 29 October. 10:00-11:00am, Parkville campus.

The scholarly publishing industry has transformed beyond recognition in the past 20 years. Innovations that began with the advent of the Internet are now changing all aspects of the publishing process, including changes in the types of material considered as academic output, changes in peer review, business models and new opportunities for engagement post publication.

Alongside these changes there remain many substantial issues for integrity in publishing, such authorship disputes, plagiarism and the pressure to publish.

At the same time there have been fundamental innovations in much of the infrastructure of publishing, including author identity, versioning of articles, and how to measure impact. Many of these innovations have the potential to strengthen integrity. It is crucial for the next phase in scholarly publishing that everyone involved in publishing engage with new innovations and ideas to ensure that scholarly publishing in the future serves their needs.

Bookings essential. Book your place here.

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