Upcoming Library Workshops at UoM (June Edition)

The Winter Holiday is almost here but the Researcher@Library has organised a few workshops before you go for your splendid holiday.  Check out the Researcher@Library workshop page regularly to stay updated about what’s to offer.


Image by sl3p3r via pixabay (CC0)

Working with Images – An Overview (Webinar)

Are you planning to use images (including photos, diagrams, artworks or illustrations) or videos in your next publication, research thesis, blog post or conference presentation? When you publish or share your work (online or in print), you need to consider whether the images in your work are copyright compliant, and how to protect your own creative rights.

This workshop is designed for graduate research students, supervisors, and early career researchers, providing an overview of issues that may arise when working with images and other non-textual material. Topics covered include:

  • When to think about fair dealing and copyright compliance relating to images;
  • How to search for and find copyright compliant images (e.g. creative commons and public domain material);
  • What information to keep track of and how to credit images.

Date: Wednesday, 6 June 2018
Time: 10:30 am – 11:30 am


Image by dzako83 via pixabay (CC0)

Digital Imaging 101: Basic Image handling

Learn the basics of handling digital images: techs and specs for handling digital images covering fundamentals such as ‘what is an image’; pixels; resolution; file formats and file naming conventions.

Date: Thu. 7 June 2018
Time: 11:00 am – 11:30 am
Venue: Dulcie Hollyock Room, Ground Floor, Baillieu Library


Image by DariuszSankowski via pixabay (CC0)

Getting Started with Library Research

This session is aimed at newly-enrolled graduate students beginning their research journey (i.e., Research Masters & PhD candidates).

This interactive workshop will give you an overview of resources at the University of Melbourne Library – from search engines and special collections, to personalised consultations – and help you find research databases in your subject area.

The session will provide an introduction to structuring successful search strategies and demonstrate the use of major citation databases, plus tips for keeping your literature search up-to-date. Please bring your own laptop.

Date: Wednesday, 13 June 2018
Time: 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Venue: Dulcie Hollyock Room, Ground Floor, Baillieu Library


Image by jarmoluk via pixabay (CC0)

Research Impact & Engagement

Researchers and academics are increasingly required to demonstrate that their research has impact – that it is engaging audiences and making a difference to society in some way. Graduate researchers and early career academics can get a head start on this by learning some tools and tips for communicating research through online media (such as Twitter, YouTube, ResearchGate, Slideshare, blogging, infographics); and finding research in your discipline that is trending by using Altmetrics. This session will introduce basic principles of knowledge translation, explore the pros and cons of Altmetrics, and get you thinking about audience engagement early on.

Date: Wednesday, 20 June 2018
Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Venue: Dulcie Hollyock Room, Ground Floor, Baillieu Library


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