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Scholarly Development Research (SDR) Team Highlights

The Scholarly Develop Research team coordinate Researcher Support training in Scholarly Development at the University of Melbourne. Below are some of the team highlights from 2022.

In 2022 the team coordinated the delivered the Researcher@Library program, designed to develop researchers library research skills and digital capabilities from database searching, managing references to publishing strategically. For the first time webinar recordings were made available online after sessions and with closed captions / transcripts. We would like to say a special thank you to our expert colleagues across the Library who presented sessions as part of Researcher@Library 2022.

Working closely with colleagues across Student and Scholarly Services the Researcher Support page was reviewed and uplifted to provide information and resources across a variety of researcher support topics supported by the University of Melbourne Library. These include Advanced Data Skills, Bibliometrics, Publishing and Profiles, Research Outputs, Copyright, and Reference Management.

The SDR team is please to have coordinated another exciting edition of the Visualise Your Thesis Competition. Helping graduate researchers to develop essential digital communication skills to effectively convey their complex research to a general audience. Congratulations to all participants for their amazing work, which is available for you to enjoy. All videos will remain on the Melbourne Visualise Your Thesis figshare. The winners of this year’s University of Melbourne competition were: 

  • 1st place: Samuel Widodo
  • 2nd place: Justeen Wheatley
  • 3rd place: Carl Jonsson
  • Viewers’ Choice award: Samuel Widodo

A special shout out to Samuel Widodo for his video Switching cancer-promoting macrophages to fight brain cancer which placed Third in the Visualise Your Thesis International Competition for 2022!

Researcher Connect is a program of workshops, training, and events for researchers that has continued to grow over the past few years. The SDR team works closely with our Researcher Development Unit and Melbourne Data Analytics Platform colleagues to deliver an annual program of for University of Melbourne researchers to develop digital research and data skills to expand research capability, and explore the facilities and platforms available. It was a jam packed year with two major events: Digital Capabilities in July and Digital Communities in October. In addition, a series of Digital Skills Meet-Ups across multiple campuses provided a space to learn more about the support on offer at the university, find answers to coding questions, meet people conducting similar- or different!- research, and contribute to the growing conversations around all things digital support.

The SDR team look forward to launching the 2023 Scholarly Development program early next year.

Feel free to contact us with any questions at libraryresearch-tickets@unimelb.edu.au

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