• Rebecca
  1. Read & Publish Open Access Agreements for 2022

    Zachary Kendal, Scholarly Communications Consultant, discusses the new Read and Publish agreements allowing University of Melbourne researchers to make more of their work open access. A …


  2. Reference Management – November Sessions

    In November we are offering sessions for existing users of the EndNote and Zotero reference management programs. If you are familiar with basics of EndNote and …


  3. Baillieu Library will reopen daily from Monday 8 November 2021

    Baillieu Library

    The Baillieu Library will reopen daily from Monday 8 November to Friday 19 November to University staff and students who meet the University’s COVID-19 vaccination requirement. …


  4. Researcher Connect 2021 – Event recap, recordings and resources

    Researcher connect banner

    Researcher Connect 2021 ran as a one-day online event Friday 23 April 2021. The event showcased key research services focused on the strategic portfolios of research capability, research impact, research collaboration, …


  5. Apply today! Pitch It Clever 2021 closing 30 April

    Birds eye view of seated audience

    Are you a University of Melbourne Graduate Researcher or Early Career Researcher? Enter Pitch It Clever for the chance to showcase your research to university leaders, …


Number of posts found: 65
