Posted under Publishing

  1. Researcher Profiles: Managing your digital ID (online seminar)

    Researcher profiles make it easy for funders, collaborators and colleagues to find you. These can ensure that your work is correctly attributed, remove author ambiguity, and …

  2. Papers with shorter titles get more citations: Nature News & Comment

    Nature reports on a Royal Society Open Science 1 paper from researchers at the University of Warwick who found the interesting correlation after analysing the titles of 140,000 …

  3. More sessions: Researcher Profiles: Managing your digital ID

    Researcher profiles make it easy for funders, collaborators and colleagues to identify you and find your publications. These online author identifiers can ensure that your work …

  4. Elsevier Scholarly Publishing Seminar for Engineering research students & early-career researchers

    Every year, over 3 million research articles are written, of which only half will end up being published in a peer-reviewed journal. Professor David Shallcross, Director …

  5. How to write for ‘The Conversation’

    Did you miss the How to write for ‘The Conversation’ session with Managing Editor Misha Ketchell hosted by the University of Melbourne Library on 3 June? …

  6. Writing for ‘The Conversation’ session

    Become an author in Australia’s best-read research and news site, The Conversation. Combining academic rigour with journalistic flair, The Conversation makes it easier for academics to …

  7. Researcher Profiles: Managing your digital ID

    Researcher profiles make it easy for funders, collaborators and colleagues to identify you and find your publications. These online author identifiers can ensure that your work …

  8. Ever wondered how journals are selected for inclusion in the Web of Science?

    Thomson Reuters take into account a number of qualitative and quantitative factors when evaluating journals for coverage in Web of Science. Basic publishing standards, editorial content, international diversity of …

  9. SAGE: How to write to get published

    On February 9, the University Library will host Rosalia da Garcia, Director of Library Sales & Marketing at SAGE Publications who will be talking about the …

  10. Biomed Central Open Access Roadshow

    Open access publisher BioMed Central is holding a roadshow at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne on Thursday 19th February 2015. The …

Number of posts found: 104
