Kate Cranney


Hello! I’m a scientist, artist and science communicator.

I have recently finished my Master of Science (Botany) at the University of Melbourne. Back in 2014, I was quick to enrol into Dr. Jenny Martin’s two science communication courses. At the time, I knew precious little about this area of work…but I had a hunch I was a science communicator at heart. True to rumour, the courses were brilliant. We had a string of interesting guest lecturers and Jenny provided practical advice and set relevant assessment tasks. (She is also single-handedly responsible for introducing countless wary scientists to Twitter!)

After completing Jenny’s subjects, I began a six-month internship with Bush Heritage as a Science Communicator. It was a dream job. I learned about communications, social media and location-based reporting – I spent two weeks with the University of Sydney in the Simpson Desert, taking photos and writing daily updates from the field.

Since studying under Jenny, I have: learned how to use film-editing and print publishing software; written and illustrated a book on insects in Melbourne; and I have worked as a freelance science writer. Along with five other early career researchers from across Australia, I received the 2016 ESA/ OEH Outstanding Science Outreach Award. I still refer to my notes from Jenny’s courses, and I credit her with stirring, then nurturing, my interest in science communication.

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