Amy LeBlanc

I first met Jenny Martin when I took her science communication course in the final year of my Bachelor of Science. Although it would be a few years until we met again, her teaching had a profound impact upon me. I have always had a love for both science and the arts, and a particular passion for writing. Throughout my youth, I found it strange that these two fields were viewed as separate entities: to me, artful scientific writing is some of the best and most deeply inspiring literature in existence. Jenny impressed upon me the need for this crossover: between the world of art and communication, and the world of scientific discovery.

A few years later, I obtained special permission to take both of Jenny’s communication courses (Science Communication and Communication for Research Scientists) during my MSc in Zoology. Through both of these courses, I developed a deeper understanding of the desperate need for good quality communication in STEM fields. Although their science and technology is brilliant, researchers and innovators often fail to communicate their discoveries to the world at large. This is not through lack of caring, or a lack of talent; communication is a specific skill that must be learned and honed over time.

I graduated from the University of Melbourne with a MSC in Zoology in 2017. Today, I am living in Belgium and working as a science journalist. I am employed at a communications company, Turnstone Communications, helping scientists call attention to their work through press releases, articles and community outreach programs. I also do freelance writing of my own. Educating others about the importance of good communication has become my passion, and is something I will continue doing throughout my career.

The world is on the move: science and technology is constantly changing and it may sometimes seem hard to keep up. Now more than ever: good communication is key to helping people make good, informed decisions regarding our future!