Steve McGain

Science has been my passion ever since I could remember. As a child you would find me turning over rocks in the backyard in search of creepy crawlies to spending endless hours scouring rock pools for any signs of marine life. Since then though, my passion for science and the environment has only grown.


My professional career as a scientist has taken me on a wonderful journey where I have had the opportunity to work a variety of roles such as a Marine Ranger with Parks Victoria, a Research Assistant, an Ecologist for private consultancies and even as a Nature Reserve’s Officer within local government to help improve environmental practices. Wherever I have worked though, science communication has been a key component to my success.


In particular, the science communication course taught by Jenny taught me so much more than just how to articulate my research to an audience. It taught me how people think and helped me to appreciate how language and information is interpreted, translated and understood. Science communication is far more than just about communicating scientific information, the course teaches you the fundamentals of engaging an audience regardless of the discipline- something invaluable regardless of your future profession.


So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and sign up to the course already!