
Looking to improve your science communication? Here are some web resources you may find helpful.

Why communicate about science?


Effective Communication, Better Science – a quick read that defines science communication more broadly

Why Communicate Science? – why scientists should explains science to non-scientists and generally have a much greater presence in society. If Charles Darwin and Albert Einstein found the time for it, so should we!

Why We Need Science Communication

What Does Research Say About How To Effectively Communicate About Science?

Is It Your Duty To Communicate Your Science?

Why Public Engagement Matters

Science, Politics And Science Communication



Storytelling in science

Alan Alda On The Art Of Science Communication: ‘I Want To Tell You A Story’

How To Communicate Your Work Through Stories

And, But, Therefore: Randy Olson And The Art Of Science Storytelling Part 1

And, But, Therefore: Randy Olson And The Art Of Science Storytelling Part 2

And, But, Therefore: Randy Olson And The Art Of Science Storytelling Part 3

Using Narratives And Storytelling To Communicate Science With Nonexpert Audiences




Books on writing

Scientific Writing = Thinking in Words by David Lindsay

Stylish Academic Writing by Helen Sword

How to write a Better Thesis by Evans, Gruba & Zobel  * E-book $16.99

How to write a Better Minor Thesis by Gruba and Zobel  *E-book $11.99


Blogs on writing

I’m Writing A Journal Article – What Literatures Do I Choose?

You Have To Believe That What You Do Matters

Writing Introductions: First Or Last?

PhD 2 Published

Writing Guides- Colorado State University

Doctoral Writing SIG

Style For Students Online

Readability tests

The Writer’s Diet- Is Your Writing Flabby Or Fit?

The Flesch Reading Ease Readability Formula




General science writing advice

Give Us Science Stories That Illuminate, Not Click-Bait

The Needless Complexity of Academic Writing 

Stephen King On Writing, Fear, And The Atrocity Of Adverbs

10 Tips on How to Write Less Badly

11 Smart Tips For Brilliant Writing

Secrets Of Good Science Writing

Communication: The best words in the best order

Science Writing: Some Tips for Beginners

Carl Zimmer’s Advice For Aspiring Science Writers

Why Academics Stink At Writing

Some Well-Known Tricks For Clear Writing

Advice For Scientists Who Want To Write For The Public



Writing a journal article

Writing A Journal Article

How To Write A Scientific Paper

Righting Scientific Writing: Focus On Your Main Message

Infographic: How To Write Better Science Papers

Tips For Writing Better Science Papers

The 5 Pivotal Paragraphs In A Paper



Writing a lay summary

How To Write A Lay Summary

Lay Abstracts And Summaries: Writing Advice For Scientists

Opinion: Lay summaries needed to enhance science communication

Scenarios For Writing Lay Summaries


Writing a conference abstract

Writing A Better Conference Abstract

How To Write A Scientific Abstract In 6 Easy Steps

How To Write A Killer Conference Abstract

Distracted By Abstracts: Tips For Writing A Good Abstract For A Scientific Conference

Writing The Academic Conference Proposal

Writing An Abstract: Understanding And Developing Abstracts

Writing a literature review

Ten Simple Rules for Writing a Literature Review

Guidelines For Writing A Review Article

Writing A Literature Review

Tips for writing your first scientific literature review article

How To Write A Good Scientific Literature Review


Writing a project proposal

Writing A Research Proposal: A Guide For Science and Engineering Students

Writing A Research Proposal


Critical reading

Reading Critically

Critical Thinking – Critical Reading

Infographic: How To Read A Scientific Paper

How to (seriously) read a scientific paper


English grammar and expression support

Grammar check

UniMelb grammar resources

Grammar ‘cheat sheet’

Quick grammar reference sheet


Science blogging

Ten Essential Qualities of Science Bloggers, from PLOSBLOGS

6 Quick and easy ways to better explain science to non-scientists

Secrets of Science Writing

5 Ways to Improve Your Science Writing

How to create a successful science blog

Science Blogging — Finding Your Voice

Blogging Tips for Science Bloggers From Science Bloggers

Why do academics blog? An analysis of audiences, purposes and challenges

How to set up a science blog

Scientists should Blog






General public speaking advice

8 classic storytelling techniques for engaging presentations

How to give a dynamic scientific presentation

How to speak so that people want to listen – Ted Talk

Presentations: Pressure to perform

Career toolkit: Crafting an impressive presentation

Communication: Two minutes to impress

Better conference talks

7 habits of highly successful speakers

Advice on Giving a Scientific Talk

How to Become an Authentic Speaker

Talk nerdy to me – Ted Talk

The Top 5 TEDTalks on how to give a great TED talk

Science stories, not science talks


The elevator pitch

Perfecting the Elevator Pitch

The elevator pitch

The elevator pitch: more harm than good?


Conference talks

Spectacular Scientific Talks

A David Letterman-like countdown to the 10 biggest pitfalls in scientific presentations

Talking the Talk: Tips on Giving a Successful Conference Presentation


Using PowerPoint effectively

10 tips on how to make slides that communicate your idea, from TED’s in-house expert

How to avoid death By PowerPoint

Let’s ban PowerPoint in lectures – it makes students more stupid and professors more boring

Using PowerPoint to shine on stage

Making Better PowerPoint Presentations

The power of pictures. How we can use images to promote and communicate science


Academic conferences

The PhD’s Guide to Academic Conferences

How to make the most of academic conferences – five tips

10 Tips for grad students to make the most of a scientific conference

Networking tips for graduate students

Advice: how to network at conferences

Crash course on socializing at a scientific conference dinner

An Introvert’s Guide to Conference Networking

Don’t be a conference troll: a guide to asking good questions


Working with your research supervisor

Ten types of PhD supervisor relationships – which is yours?

PhD students: what to do if you don’t work well with your supervisor

Top 10 ways to annoy your PhD supervisors

3 Step Method Of Communicating Effectively With Your PhD Supervisor

What to Expect from your PhD Supervisor

When good supervisors go bad…


Applying for grants

The ins and outs of research grant funding committees

Where to Search for Funding

Research funding: 10 tips for writing a successful application

Scientific Grant Writing Tips

Research grant applications 101

Dr. No Money: The Broken Science Funding System

The words that make a successful research grant application


Imposter syndrome

Imposter Syndrome and Academic Writing

No, You’re Not an Impostor

Faking it

What Is Impostor Syndrome?

Think like an impostor, and you’ll go far in academia

One Scientist’s Approach to the Imposter Syndrome

Imposters are us


Social media for scientists

An Introduction to Social Media for Scientists

It’s time for scientists to tweet

LinkedIn tips for scientists

Do blog posts correlate with a higher number of future citations?

What is Twitter? – a crash course

Why should scientists use Twitter?

A scientist’s guide to social media

New study reveals how scientists use social media

How I Use Social Media as a Scientist

Using Instagram for Science Communication

Learning to Instagram Science – #LSUSciFund

Scientist Guide to Social Media – this article has an awesome table comparing the different platforms, as well as tips for each different platform

A social media survival guide for scientists – some excellent survival tips to responsibly using social media for science communication

How social media helps scientists get the message across –  results from a study showing that research shared on social media (mainly Twitter) gets more academic citations

Ten Reasons for Academics to Use Social Media and Twitter – look the title basically sums it up. 10 punchy reasons, an easy skim read

Social media as a scientist: a very quick guide – a quick, condensed guide to using social media for science, and examples of how you can use LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to network, exchange scientific ideas, or advance a career

Social media: A network boost – a thorough guide how scientists can use Twitter to increase their networks, as well as how employers use Twitter when recruiting

Scientists, do you want to succeed on Twitter? Here’s how many followers you need – a look into how many followers is needed to start reaching the broader public

Citations are not enough: Academic promotion panels must take into account a scholar’s presence in popular media – why research publications are not nearly as high reaching as social media, and why scholars’ influence on policy and public debates should be considered just as much as publications

How Articles Get Noticed and Advance the Scientific Conversation – explaining that the best way to get a newly published article more attention is to Tweet about it, as well as 5 great tips to get you started on Twitter

Science Communication Breakdown – a blog full of tips on science blogging

Science Blogging and Citations – a blog post explaining a paper about how science blogging can increase the citations of papers… It’s less confusing than it sounds I promise

Science Blogging for Institutions: Your Virtual Roundup of the ScienceWriters2014 #OrgBlog Session – an awesome roundup of tips for science blogging from a panel discussion at the National Association of Science Writers. It covers tips from starting a blog, sourcing content, developing a voice, promoting your content and metrics and analytics

Do more tweets mean higher citations? If so, Twitter can lead us to the ‘personalised journal’; pinpointing more research that is relevant to your interests – how Twitter leads to more citations, as well as using Twitter as your own resource collecting tool

Academic promotion by media presence? – it’s important that our research solves problems that are presented by society

Why We Scientists Do Instagram – why Instagram is an awesome platform for scientists, and how it helps boost visibility and correct gender stereotypes, especially for women in STEMM. There’s also includes a nice mind-map of the motivations to blog about science

A General Overview of Reddit’s Science Communities – a list of communities in Reddit that are all about science

Peer review

Explainer: the ins and outs of peer review

Peer review is in crisis, but should be fixed, not abolished

How Science Works – the Peer Review process

Peer review and scientific publishing at The Guardian

The peer review system has flaws. But it’s still a barrier to bad science

The peer-review system for academic papers is badly in need of repair


Communicating about climate change

Why is climate communication so hard?

Climate Communication – science and outreach

Science Communication and Climate Change

The Psychology of Climate Change Communication

Communicating the science of climate change

Relevant, immediate, local: guide to communicating climate change in Australia

Communicating climate change: Focus on the framing, not just the facts


11 Ways to Overcome Procrastination

How to Stop Procrastinating

Why we procrastinate

20 Strategies to Overcome Procrastination

Why Wait? The Science Behind Procrastination

To Stop Procrastinating, Start by Understanding the Emotions Involved

Cold Turkey website blocker

Write or Die