Long time, no see [Daniel]
I’ve been travelling around Europe for the last month, after a year of saving. And… It’s been good I’ve learnt things, seen globalisation to a crazy extent (Toblerone is apparently a specialty in Qatar), and enjoyed the hospitality of past friends and acquaintances.
I’d recommend it for anyone who has the time (money) or the interest for it, and yet strangely enough it’s a relatively small thing. Or it feels that way, I guess. It might be the modernization making the journey less momentous, or the ease of technology making communication easier – something like that. Not to cheapen the history of Rome, Florence, Venice, or the other half dozen places that I’ve been. It’s just something that while extraordinarily cool, isn’t necessary – it’s just an extended holiday. Most jaw dropping sights are that, food amazing but, the history and culture though is something that can’t easily be accessed within the 7 days or so of staying in a country.
Not that I’m disappointed or anything, it’s been great I’ve done more than my fair share of great expeditions – I can say that I’ve been to Oxford (for a day :p). It’s just… huff* I guess I’m still grumpy with Melbourne Uni’s exchange program (long and short of it do it early if at all, oversea subjects in arts are for European languages), especially when compared to other university programs, as I would have loved to do a subject or semester overseas – just to socialise (friends overseas have had tons of fun with the locals).
I guess in all I’m just grumpy because at the end of my degree, with a couple of potential (I haven’t heard of many liberal arts overseas trips) lost opportunities …2 or 3 years ago. That is if I wanted to go back then….
Ah well…. I guess I’ve made my way through Europe on my own, for a month no less, so I’ve had some overseas study (of sorts).
Till next time,