The Student Who Overslept (Aimee)
Hi there, dear readers! It’s funny how the most important life-events pass quietly – unnoticed. One of these, for me, happened seven years ago. Rewind to 2010… *cue flashback music* Little me (isn’t she sweet!?) is on holiday in Lorne and her (my?) mum is putting on a DVD. As the opening credits roll, little […]
An Apologetic Guide to Time-Management (Aimee)
Salutations to all my lovely (and I should say: shamefully abandoned!!) readers! Now, you know the drill… I give you a friendly greeting, faff on about some recent event, conclude with the moral-of-the-day (a bit like Sesame St!) and everything is all lindt balls and roses – happy-happy joy-joy! Except today, I’m making a change. […]
Vulnerability … and Other Dirty Words (Aimee)
Hello my esteemed blog-readers and fellow bloggites! Have you had a nice week? If your week has been a horrible, terrible, no-good, belly-up catastrophe… please accept a virtual hug to make you feel better! If not… take the hug anyway! Or a handshake… I’m not sure what level of intimacy you’re comfortable with… Moving on! […]
A Guide to Figuring Out the Rest of Your Life… (Aimee)
Hello to you, my lovely reader pals! An official welcome to *trumpets and fanfare* Year 2!! (The second series; the sequel, as it were!) Let’s plunge straight into today’s topic: life decisions!! During Year 12, I had this whacky but rather wonderful Lit teacher. I remember, during SAC prep, a well-meaning boy with awful study […]
The Tale of the Vacuum Cleaner, the Scorpion and the Scared Second Year (Aimee)
9 am. I’m seated in the MSD, watching my new lecturer have an argument with the projector. (Bet you anything, she’s a PC user!) To be utterly and completely honest… I’m sweating like a pig in a sauna!! It may seem small, insignificant, a trifle… but the truth is, this moment is big, epoch-making, a […]