
  1. This is it (Gianina)

    Oh hello there. I am quite surprised that I still have author privileges for this blog. Some of you might be wondering who the hell am I. But I suppose that’s to be expected, since I left everything hanging about, oh, three months ago. Fast forward to this month then — Yes, I have indeed […]


  2. Waiting —

    Yes – it’s been a long time since I made an update here. I’ve been plagued with projects, an exam, a couple of bouts of sickness and more projects. But now, I’m more or less free. Almost. My parents have been reminding me to get a job for next year. That, is harder than it […]


  3. OMG OMG

    I’ve just gotten my Provisional Graduation Offer!!! Yeah, sure, I’ve known for a few weeks now that I’m going to graduate some time in December but still… I need some reminding. And what better way to remind me than to send an official looking email that opens with:  “Dear Student, As your Faculty has confirmed […]


  4. And the countdown begins

    Last week, I received a curious letter from the University. Some people might call it The Grad Letter. Apparently, for the first time ever, all graduations are to be held on December this year. Usually only Science, Commerce(?) and international students (due to visa expiry) get to graduate on the same year when their classes […]


  5. Typical Friday

    Friday (aka Sleep-in-day or Barely-sleep-day depending on project deadlines I have on) has been more or less eventful. As usual, I started the day with the Student Union cooking demo class within the bowels of the Union House basement. Of course, I had to dodge campaign people on my way to the Union House from […]


  6. That Environments student…

    …  is currently dealing with an avalanche of projects. Final semester of undergrad and all that. It’s like all my subject coordinators conspired to have all assessments concentrated on the four weeks before mid-semester break. Will do a proper update soon. Btw, is anyone following closely the whole Gillard-Abbott-Independents debacle? I’m glad I didn’t have to vote; […]


  7. Semester 6/6 (Gianina)

    So… that’s week 1 of my final semester gone and we’re all now heading into week 2. All of my tutorials, especially the three hour ones have either been postponed for this coming week or finished early. It made week 1 passed so swiftly but at the same time, it made me think that I’ve […]



    Yes, yes, it’s supposed to be a time when students study in preparation for exams, especially if they have one on the first week. Oh, and just my luck, my first exam is on the first day of the exam period. I haven’t done any studying though. Lately, I just find it hard to motivate […]


  9. Grad Programs…

    5 applications done, a few more to go – all interstate at that How do people manage to get at least 15 done anyways??? What with the resume, cover letter, application questions and sometimes, the annoying folio More importantly, why does Victoria not have Grad Programs for Landscape Architecture? Is it because the water restrictions […]


  10. Mmm… freddo frog

    … makes my hellish Tuesday a bit better. Thank you Rowden White librarian. I started out the day by being the only one who has not prepared for studio class. Reason: I missed the memo. Or the email. Whatever. In any case, it was a horrible feeling. Two big deadlines looming next week. Both on […]


Number of posts found: 33