A Change of Pace (Hiruni)
It’s week 4 and I am officially in panic mode, and if past semesters are anything to go by this will last throughout the semester until the end of the last exam :/ Without even touching on the fact that a quarter of the semester has dwindled away, I thought I’d take the opportunity to […]blogs.unimelb.edu.au/seconds/2015/08/18/a-change-of-pace-hiruni
Different this Time Around? (Hiruni)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! Ahem, well, it’s not my actual birthday but semester 2 marks my 1 year anniversary of blogging with First_Year@Unimelb and Back for Seconds. In true jaffy fashion, my first post was a hopeful declaration of the changes I would implement after a semester of testing out the waters. You know, like a […]blogs.unimelb.edu.au/seconds/2015/08/02/different-this-time-around
Back Again! (Hiruni)
Can I make up for weeks without an update with a single post? No. Will I attempt to anyway? Yes 🙂 Like every semester before it, this one is slowly coming to be defined by what assessment I have due that week, and that’s without counting the horrors that are the final exams looming […] -
A Guide to Careers & Employment (Part 2- Careers Fair) (Hiruni)
As promised, here is part 2 of my guide to the Careers and Employment services at the university. With the Careers Fair occurring a few weeks ago and the application period for internships opening quite soon, I thought I’d post about career decisions and opportunities more specific to second year and beyond. The University offered three […]blogs.unimelb.edu.au/seconds/2015/04/08/a-guide-to-careers-and-employment-part-2-careers-fair
A Guide to Careers & Employment (Part 1) (Hiruni)
I’m hoping that my neglecting to post for a while can be excused this time, because I’ve got some exciting resources for you to try! (Well, as exciting as writing resumes and planning your career can be…). If, like I did, you spent your whole high school career focusing on study rather than employment, the […]blogs.unimelb.edu.au/seconds/2015/03/30/a-guide-to-careers-employment-part-1
Holiday? What Holiday? (Hiruni)
After a hectic exam period and an almost non-existent vacation due to my summer subject (more on that later), it feels great to get back into blogging, especially if it means venting to all my readers! Part of getting my life back on track meant that I had to cancel some of my vacation time […]blogs.unimelb.edu.au/seconds/2015/03/06/holiday-what-holiday