
  1. Things I Learnt in First Year, that I Employed in 2nd Year, to Have a Great Start to the Semester! (Bella)

    So, that title felt longer than a 2-hour tute. HOWEVER, it is really what I wanted to get across! So, without further ado, here are 3 things I’ve learnt that hopefully you can learn from too… 1. Those people that look like they’ve been friends for ages… might have actually only just met At uni, […]


  2. New Year, New Me (Bella)

    Nothing like a cliche quote to announce my return, right? Hi everyone, this is Bella, from the 2015 First Year Blog! I can’t believe we are 3 weeks into uni already… I’ve already been to many parties… oh, and lectures and tutes, of course. Even though I’m in second year now, I still have those […]


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