
  1. Jinghan In The Kitchen I: Cold-Served Soba Noodles

    In high-school a friend of mine had an imaginary cooking show whose theme song we made up and went something like this: “Beccy in the kitchen, the kitchen, the kitchen… Beccy in the kitchen… run. a. way.” Followed by something like “today Beccy will be cooking choc-chip cookies… oh wait we ran out of choc-chips […]


  2. Chapter Sixty-One: Math (not maths) (~jinghan)

    Okay, so being on exchange, I actually have to study. (So unfair, right?)  “So what’s your major?” is one of those typical questions people ask you when they first meet you. “Maths.” “Mass…?” “Ma-TH-s” “Oh! Math! Is it hard?” Yeah American’s call it “math”. — The thing about uni in America is that I have […]


  3. Chapter Sixty: Long Distance Friendships (~jinghan)

    I realised that since I’ve been here I haven’t really had time to talk to you about anything non-trivial about my life. It’s like when you’ve been friends with someone for a while and then you realise that all the conversations you’ve ever had are somewhat smallish talk. Actually it is very much like that: […]


  4. Chapter Fifty-Nine: Parent Appreciation Day (~jinghan)

    Pick a day in Jinghan’s life. Say x for some x after Jinghan came to Davis. On day x, Jinghan comes home from uni. She has probably been to class for 3-4hours and studied in the study hall for 4-5hours. What Jinghan would like to do is finish her homework (oh yeah – they give […]


  5. Chapter Fifty-Eight: Faceblind (~jinghan)

    There are two things you notice when you go somewhere completely new where none of the people you are able to see in person are people you have known for more than a month… there are so many new names and faces to remember (I’ve taken to smiling at everyone that makes eye contact with […]


  6. Chapter Fifty-Seven: Unexpected Journey (~jinghan)

    Exchange? Yeah it was supposed to be a journey about the challenges of living on my own for the first time, about discovering American culture, I would even way it was supposed to be about interacting with other international students*. I never came here looking for a spiritual journey – surely not in California the […]


  7. Chapter Fifty-Six: The Game (~jinghan)

    American football is actually really interesting. And personally I think it’s much more sophisticated than australian rules football, which  – lets be honest – constitutes a bunch of sweaty muddy men chasing after a awkwardly bouncing ball. American footballers? Not a spec of mud. And there’s some intense tactic work going on. There’s some intelligent play going […]


  8. Chapter Fifty-Five: Less Beer? (~jinghan)

      As I was reading this article, it occured to me that even if you aren’t a “drinker” you feel the pressure to be able to talk about alcohol, or say “I know a friend who…” and heck I even catch myself being surprised when someone days “I don’t drink.” without gushing out some excuse. […]


  9. Chapter Fifty-Four: The Lost Wallet (~jinghan)

    Jinghan gets on the bus, it’s hot and she is looking forward to stepping into the cool air inside the apartment and having some grapes and a cold glass of milk. Just as she is walking into the apartment complex a guy turns to her and says “you got off at the previous stop yeah?” […]


  10. Chapter Fifty-Three: My New Apartment (~jinghan)

    I was pretty excited about seeing my new apartment that I’ll be living in for the next 9/10 months. Having never lived away from home I was determined to enjoy the freedom and develop the new skills that come with this new responsibility. I got the key on Thursday but it wasn’t really until Friday that […]


Number of posts found: 104