
  1. Regeneration

    I am alive; I have just been neglecting this blog terribly. The holidays seemed to last forever this time around – it was a rude shock when I realised I had to come back here in a week or so, and sort everything out. As a compromise between being here and not being here, I’ve […]

  2. Keep Running

    Analogy: Your muscles ache, each breath cuts like a razor, your legs shake like they are just going to fall out from under you. But you are so close to the finishing line – if you can just keep running, you’ll finish the race. You know you won’t win, but just to finish it would […]

  3. Implications

    I decided I should probably write something about what happened at Virginia Tech. This is actually a cross post from something I wrote on my personal blog, so don’t fret about issues of authorship if you ever come across it somewhere else – it’s the same person. One thing that I would like to mention though, before […]

  4. Plan B Ambition (Johanna)

    ‘Tis an unfortunate fact of life that, whenever I have major assignments due, my brain kicks into overdrive. The unfortunate part comes into play on the fact that my brain isn’t milling over the cultural capital of literary adaptations or trying to get my head around Wittgenstein’s Tractatus. One of the big things plaguing me […]

  5. Survival

    This post is a follow on, of sorts, from Jim’s post. I have been thinking about the uni/life balance quite a bit lately, and everything seems a little bit more in perspective now. In this balance, let us define our ‘weights’. University is a place you go to get an education so you can get […]

  6. Feeling-Sorry-For-Myself Day

    I have been managing this semester with a kind of energy and motivation and perseverance that I have previously not seen in myself since.. well, prior to certain mental health issues. But today it is all going to stop for a little while. I’m going home to my Mummy and to sleep in the bed […]

  7. She’s Purposely Trying To Ruin My Life!

    Ah!!!!!! I am actually not going to elaborate on the effusive title of this post, as she may be reading this as she goes to this uni. She is always one step ahead and totally undeserving.. gah! But she really is the bane of my existence, and I just had to get that little fact […]

  8. Clean Slate

    Or not. My academic year has heralded by a few false starts – during first week, I got the idea that I wanted to take leave for a semester to get my head straight. No such luck. I’m not exactly sure what the technicality was, but I wasn’t allowed. Then I had to change my […]