
  1. Eugene rocks! (Kripa)

    I don’t usually read comics but the ones that come in the last page of Farrago – love them! Everytime I read them, I simply smile to myself all alone. The character ‘Eugene’ is soo me! Well, obviously, it’s supposed to depict the average university student. But almost all of them have happened in my […]

  2. As for the exam timetable… (Kripa)

    They are well spaced out, which is great = more time to revise. But my first exam is on the second day of the examination period and the last exam on the second last day of the examination period. Again, jealous of my other friends who finish early and get to go overseas. Let’s begin […]

  3. All those random stuff (Kripa)

    Please don’t read this unless you have absolutely nothing else to do. I have simply typed out some random happenings in my life which are not worth much but I did it anyway: 1. It’s sad to see the Biochemistry building being demolished. On the other hand, it is quite a good sight! I usually take the […]

  4. Chain of mid-semester tests (Kripa)

    The problem with no pracs this semester is that then you have all your mid-semester tests coming up one after the other, week by week. I just had the first of 3, along with one assignment done. Still, 2 assignments left. Is it just the whole feel of the second year having more workload or […]

  5. In the dark (Kripa)

    ‘200,000 houses had no electricity for a couple of hours yesterday’ (from ‘The Age’) And one of those houses were mine. Apparently, a tree fell over the electric lines due to the strong winds and a part of my suburb had to sit inside their houses with no electricity. Let me tell you, I really […]

  6. In the last moment (Kripa)

    Well, 3 weeks into the second year and I’m still just settling down.  The fact was, in my course, second year is when you choose which branch of food science you want to go into. Food science and biotechnology, food science and marketing, food science and technology. I chose biotechnology and as s result, I […]

  7. What’s different? (Kripa)

    One week into second year and I’m wondering if there’s anything different from the previous year.   Well, one thing that I’ve noticed is the increase in the amount of students on campus. I walk around the union house and in front of the bookshop as well as the Balilieu Library with surprise. Selling my […]

  8. Back again (Kripa)

    Well, here I am back to the uni like everyone else. And I say that with excitement and happiness. It’s been 2 and a half months on holiday and it feels great to be coming back and catching up with my friends (and doing some studying obviously…). I guess some of you may already know […]

Number of posts found: 18