
  1. Five months in under 500 words

    The fact that my last post is not on the first page any more has been gnawing on my guilt, and a new post must therefore be in order. So, here goes. In the five months since my last post, I have: gotten my yellow and then my green belt in taekwondo. settled into my […]

  2. Ziggy et al.

    You know what? Passwords are a pain in the bum. Especially the long string of random characters that the password reset function gives me when it’s been too long since I’ve logged in and I’ve consequently forgotten my last password. This may be a sign that I need to log in and post more often. […]

  3. I kind of owe you an update, don’t I? (Suzanne)

    Hey kids (and you are all kids at least in relation to my 21+ ness), As per usual, I’m doing too many things these days – I have a new job doing research assistant work two days a week (BEST JOB EVER, for those who want to know. Unfortunately, also confidential, so I won’t say […]

  4. And here comes another year…

    Hola. A big welcome to our new firsties, and to those who have graduated to the second year blog, as well as to the great unwashed adolescent masses who will be upon us soon for Orientation Week. A new year, of course, also means new existential reflection on the meaning of life so far and […]

  5. What I’m doing for the next year or so…

    Because it might be that long before you get another update 🙂 Summer: heading back to Hong Kong to help my dad translate his new textbook into English, then heading back to Melbourne to take two summer subjects (Legal Ethics, Evidence). In the meantime, rewriting the MSS constitution to take into account the changes post-VCA […]

  6. My bum is sore ><;;

    This morning, I walked 15km around Melbourne’s south eastern suburbs as part of the Ampersand Walk, a yearly event for people who want to raise money for a cause, but aren’t fit enough to do any running. So instead, they walk. Usually clad in Harry Potter costume or fluoro lycra outfits from the 70s. Well, […]

  7. Some music for you…

    I realise that I always talk about practice in an abstract sense, but I never actually give anyone any idea of what I’m practicing. So, the point of this post is to share with you my lovely chamber music program for this semester. Here’s some Youtube: Jolivet – Sonatine for flute and clarinet Spohr – […]

  8. Suzanne’s August, new/social-media style

    Hi guys, My attention span gets smaller as I grow older, so I’ll write like I’m on Twitter: August 1: MSS Catering to raise funds for Music Ball. Tallis Wing actually looks quite classy when you dim the lights and set up a stall for wine, pastries, and coffee. August 7: Try and fail to […]

  9. In which I talk about the activities of the Music Students’ Society

    These past few days, I’ve been spending a lot of time selling tickets to Music Ball (sorry bloggers, that plus a class that ignores common lunch hour is why I wasn’t at the blogger meet up today). Anyway, I am really excited about Music Ball, because I never spent much time organising these things when […]

  10. slightly manic and sleep deprived

    I swear the pasta sauce I use must have caffeine in it or something. Every time I have it I just can’t sleep afterwards. Grr. So I fell asleep at 1 am yesterday night, having finished my reading at 11:30 and wanting an early night. And then I got up at 6:30 to make myself […]

Number of posts found: 60