
  1. Done!

    Two weeks ago I finished exams, so now I am writing this from my room in Hong Kong, in the midst of 30-degree heat mitigated by 15-degree air conditioning. And thus ends another semester. For those keeping count, that’s 5 down, 7 to go. It’s a little bit surreal. Many of my friends from my […]

  2. A few little things have happened since my last post…

    1. I’m now President of the Music Students’ Society, because we had our AGM on Thursday. Woohoo! 2. I have done nothing to implement my presidential policy agenda yet because I spent all of today writing up my Property essay due today at 4 pm. 3. In exactly one month and four days, I will […]

  3. Why yes, I am indeed alive.

    Hello, fellow bloggers and readers. How was everybody’s holiday? Mine was kind of a waste of time. Not necessarily a bad waste of time, but you know when you have a choice between catching up or winding down, and then you kind of try to do both, and end up doing neither? That was my […]

  4. I Miss Melbourne Model: The Musical.

    I also have two assignments due on Thursday, both of which I haven’t started. Lordy, what a depressing thought. If you didn’t see MM:TM, you seriously missed out. A few items of band trivia: 1. The band, being behind the screen and invisible to the audience, is actually in funny dress backstage. On Wednesday we […]

  5. Melbourne Model: The Musical. Be there. (Suzanne)

    Quick housekeeping question: Kathryn, now that the WordPress displays our usernames under the posts automatically, is it really necessary to still be including our names in brackets in the title? ANYWAY. All prospective and current students wanting to get a brief understanding of the brouhaha surrounding the recent curriculum changes should go watch Melbourne Model: […]

  6. Two weeks in, ten weeks out (Suzanne)

    You know, I am really going to have to work on making more concise posts. I did a word count on several recent ones. 1500 words. That’s more than many of our new first years are writing for their essays. But I am the kind of person who likes gory details. And there must be […]

  7. Come to O-week at the Music Faculty!

    To all incoming music students, music-as-breadth students, and other students with even a vague interest in music: We, the Melbourne University Music Students’ Society, have a whole bunch of awesome things planned for you over the coming week. Like free pancakes. And a free pizza lunch. And lots of other things that are so awesome […]

  8. Two days in the life (Suzanne)

    Remember that post I was talking about earlier? I’ve totally forgotten what I was going to say. So instead, I shall commemorate the release of semester 1 timetables today with a comparison of my schedule last semester and my schedule during the holidays. Last semester, A Typical Tuesday: 07:30. Wake up, walk downstairs to college […]

  9. Luddite rantings. (Suzanne)

    OK, so the blog is back after a period of being spammed, and we have a spiffy new version of WordPress that is apparently more secure. I had a post, but I think I will put it up after I figure out how to use this newfangled contraption.

  10. Something which I thought was interesting… (Suzanne)

    This article, from Northwestern University in the US, presents the results of an interesting study: apparently, the less a university-level instructor is paid, and the lower their rank, the more likely they are to be better teachers. Tenured professors are considerably less well-rated in quality of teaching surveys than their graduate teaching assistants (known as […]

Number of posts found: 60