
  1. Funny how things turn out… (Suzanne)

    So I’ve been reading the really old diaries I kept when I was still in high school, and I came across this comment: “I found out at the college fair today that one Australian university offers music and law double degrees. I don’t think I’ll apply for it – too stressful. Why would anyone want […]

  2. Back home… (Suzanne)

    Sometimes I’m a little bit sad that I can’t stay home for longer. I picked up the Hong Kong Philharmonic’s concert programme for the next season, and, while I’m in Melbourne, they’re putting on concerts from Yundi Li, Yo-yo Ma, Sumi Jo, Viktoria Mullova, and Stephen Hough, among many, many other rather famous and distinguished […]

  3. My exams are over, yay! (Suzanne)

    … and hopefully, they didn’t go too badly. Thus the most stressful semester ever comes to an end, and I am completely free! My god, I don’t even remember what people do in their free time anymore. I think I’ll clean my room, then go out to Safeway and buy some coffee so I can […]

  4. And it begins! (Suzanne)

    In three days, I’ll be totally done. Two exams today, two more tomorrow, my last the day after. I hope I’ll survive. I’ve never been so badly prepared for exams ever; every other semester I’ve had fantastic spacing, with a nice two week break between music exams, which are always in the first week, and […]

  5. Subject selections and assessment (Suzanne)

    So I realised the other day that LLB students (that’s law kids under the old model) can’t take classes offered to JD students (that’s law kids under the Melbourne Model). I’m really hoping that doesn’t mean subject cuts for LLB kids in law, because although the law faculty has a buttload of cash to throw […]

  6. So I finally finished SALP (Suzanne)

    Better late than never! Two months late isn’t too bad, is it?

  7. Holy Schmitt, Batman!: essays, internships, and auditions (Suzanne)

    Apparently, there is a Facebook group titled ‘What the Foucault’. As a student of legal theory, this greatly amuses me. It amuses me enough that I forget that I am supposed to be reading Foucault for my essay due on Friday, and not reading really bad Foucault-jokes on Facebook walls. I have decided that from […]

  8. Ten things university has taught me. (Suzanne)

    10. ‘Nothing gets my room cleaner than a paper due tomorrow’ – Facebook. 9. Grades in class are proportional to how much you enjoy the class. 8. You don’t need to actually know anything about your essay topic to write a great essay. 7. The more subjects you take, the less you will learn – […]

  9. A Laundry Room Etiquette Manifesto (Suzanne)

    At JCH, and no doubt in many other forms of student housing, there are communal laundry machines. Two laundry machines, four dryers, and ninety-three students, to be exact. This creates ideal conditions for training negotiators for the prevention of the proliferation of nuclear warfare, for sharing laundry facilities is probably the number one cause of […]

  10. Ai-yah… (Suzanne)

    So, I ended up being re-elected as Secretary of the Music Students’ Society. Even though I made a resolution to quit so I’d have more time and less stress. Whoops. As my mother would say, ‘Suzanne, you’re a good student, but once I get to know you you’re actually kind of stupid.’ Also, I thought […]

Number of posts found: 60