Category: Clubs and campus activities

  1. A fresh start

    I’m fairly certain I have ADD…. I can’t seem to choose one degree and stick to it…. I think it’s mainly because post-grad law is where my passion truly lies. I guess I should explain! I’ve now transferred to Commerce (still at Melbourne Uni), so Im starting over as a first-year…. again! I’ve always known I […]

  2. Rollin’ with it.

    Hey howdy friends and lovers, it’s been… a while… since I checked back here. I feel like I’ve been busy, yet in reflection, I’ve done very little. But then, I don’t think it’s how much you’re doing that defines busy, but how absorbed you are. Little things are still my fascination. =) Today all I’ve […]


    There isn’t a sweeter word in the English language than holidays. It strikes joy into the heart of every university student everywhere, and particularly in this university student. I finished my exams a week ago and I can safely say I have done very little, achieved absolutely nothing and I am LOVING it. I will […]

  4. Take 2

    Have any of you ever tried a melted chocolate muffin from Romano’s? (Just outside the ERC). They…. are…. AMAZING! They make studying for 8 plus hours in the same EXACT place slightly more tolerable. I’m referring, of course, to the French film I had to edit yesterday. Myself and my group filmed it on Monday […]

  5. Just another manic Friday

    Is anybody else loving this cold weather? It’s bringing back memories of big coats, gloves, scarves…. basically the best parts of winter. I’ve also really enjoyed sitting at cafes on campus and watching people trip and slip and step in puddles while wearing thongs. Silly people! My least favourite parts would have to be the […]

  6. Secret diary of a uni student

    That’s what it feels like these days; it’s mountains and mountains of homework and obligations. It feels like no-one understands; like you’re drowning in an empty ocean……until you realise you’re surrounded by people in the exact same ‘boat’ (if I can continue with this metaphor). It’s confusing and altogether unpleasant. But it’s life and nothing […]

  7. I’m back for more….

    …..pain, that is. Remind me again why I enrolled in university? I’m clearly masochistic. Or maybe university is just less pain than working full-time? Hmm…. It’s officially the end of the first week of second year uni, and I’ve just walked out of what will no doubt be the hardest subject I’ve ever done. It’s […]

  8. O-Week funtiemz

    So O-Week was pretty awesome, if I do say so myself. Even though I’m a second year student, I reckon I had just the same amount of fun during this O-Week as I did during last year’s. Why, I hear you ask? Well, I’m glad you did! I was an orientation host! Yes yes I […]

  9. Chapter Three: A Changed Man (~jinghan)

    Side note from the author: I met Shannon my fellow blogger for the first time in real life on Tuesday! She is as awesome(ly crazy like me) in person as she is online. I also discovered that people actually read my ramblings, which still surprises and pleases me. ^^ — — This morning I walked […]

  10. Cristina S and the Chamber of Secrets

    Sorry, but every time I think of myself as a second-year student I can’t help but relate it back to Harry Potter. Anyway. Hi! My name is Cristina, surname forever undisclosed because I am the only one of my kind in the world, therefore am easily look-up-able/Facebook-stalk-able. I am a second-year Bachelor of Arts (Media […]

Number of posts found: 75