Category: Clubs and campus activities

  1. Typical Friday

    Friday (aka Sleep-in-day or Barely-sleep-day depending on project deadlines I have on) has been more or less eventful. As usual, I started the day with the Student Union cooking demo class within the bowels of the Union House basement. Of course, I had to dodge campaign people on my way to the Union House from […]

  2. The Wedding Singer Musical: Go watch! [Ankita]

    So last night I watched The Wedding Singer Musical at the Uni theatre and must say that it was absolutely entertaining. It has been put up by the UMMTA.. Theatre group on campus and is definitely worth a watch. The performances are brilliant! Last show is on tomorrow.. Get around it and support your fellow […]

  3. Ziggy et al.

    You know what? Passwords are a pain in the bum. Especially the long string of random characters that the password reset function gives me when it’s been too long since I’ve logged in and I’ve consequently forgotten my last password. This may be a sign that I need to log in and post more often. […]

  4. I kind of owe you an update, don’t I? (Suzanne)

    Hey kids (and you are all kids at least in relation to my 21+ ness), As per usual, I’m doing too many things these days – I have a new job doing research assistant work two days a week (BEST JOB EVER, for those who want to know. Unfortunately, also confidential, so I won’t say […]

  5. Mmm… freddo frog

    … makes my hellish Tuesday a bit better. Thank you Rowden White librarian. I started out the day by being the only one who has not prepared for studio class. Reason: I missed the memo. Or the email. Whatever. In any case, it was a horrible feeling. Two big deadlines looming next week. Both on […]

  6. So this is what third year is like…

    … it’s tiring, basically. Subjects are on another level again, and I find myself struggling to have the perfect, or close-to-ideal, work-study-life balance. ANYway – it seems pretty quiet over here, especially compared to the posts in the First Year Blog. Oh well. It’s week 3 of the semester now, WEEK THREE! It’s been, oh, 3 […]

  7. Corripe Cervisiam

    It is no longer spring break and Oh! Canada! That hockey match was epic. Mid-terms are over and the assignments are now being asked for, spurring a last minute rush and consequently I’m sitting in the 24hr computer lab (not) writing my essay. [There is two people behind me that sound like their getting rather […]

  8. And then there was SALP

    Still on holidays obviously. There is one other thing that’s driving me mad at the moment apart from boredom, and that is – SALP. Yes, it’s the Uni’s Student Ambassador Leadership Program. Thing is, I have to do at least 40 hours of Community Service for a non-profit organisation (that’s on top of the 20 […]

  9. Fin

    Today’s exam was by far, the most dramatic final exam I’ve ever had. Just short of having a drum roll during the last few seconds, there had been a thunderstorm and a blackout (pity to those who were at the back of the REB, with the 2000+ seat numbers, who apparently weren’t able to see anything for […]

  10. National Student Leadership Forum (Georgie)

    ‘A leader is a dealer in hope’ ~ Napoleon Bonaparte   How to describe the fantastic opportunity that was afforded to me when the Arts Faculty sent me to the National Student Leadership Forum? Phenomenal? Insightful? Tiring? Fun?   The truth is, it is difficult to properly explain the amazing experience I had at the […]

Number of posts found: 75