Category: Clubs and campus activities
85 Broads? What the hell is that ’bout?
So inspired by Johanna’s mention of attending the 85 Broads launch event next Tuesday night…and much to my excitement that someone I kind-of-sorta-know is attending our launch event, I thought I would take the time to briefly mention to any readers about the existence of 85 Broads on campus. 85 Broads is a global womens’ […]
Plan B Ambition (Johanna)
‘Tis an unfortunate fact of life that, whenever I have major assignments due, my brain kicks into overdrive. The unfortunate part comes into play on the fact that my brain isn’t milling over the cultural capital of literary adaptations or trying to get my head around Wittgenstein’s Tractatus. One of the big things plaguing me […] -
Sorry Hayden
Blue King Brown last Tuesday was great! Love the afro-beat, reggae and Latin sound. I randomly saw someone I knew from Monash University there. It’ll probably be my favourite act there for this semester. Had a little dance as well. I’m not really that interested in the acts coming in the next few weeks. During […] -
Ok, I just remembered about this today, a little later than planned. Keep it short so I can do my assignments. Also note I’m really lacking sleep at this moment. (Also why I want to keep this quick.) Next week is ‘Green Week’, I’m supposed to be helping out next Thursday as now I’m part […] -
When things change, yet stay the same (Sophie)
Well…I am back to my second week of classes. I am finally starting to slowly settle back in. It has been difficult and the whole routine has been something of a shock to the system. Despite the fact my vacation was anything but quiet, the atmosphere of University is so intense and the time I […]
Number of posts found: 75