Category: Moving out of home, living in Melbourne

  1. Slainte (Georgie)

    Pronounced ‘Slawn-cha’, it means ‘cheers’ in Irish. An important word in such an alcohol fuelled culture. Right now I am sitting in the lounge/kitchen of my college flat looking out from the third floor to below where there are lots of drunken Irish students shouting. I must say, I am a little in awe of […]

  2. Ugh… (Suzanne)

    I’m currently feeling really really sick because I just ate an entire block of dark chocolate for no reason other than that it was free. I have nothing else to report, other than the fact that just because it’s available and your mother isn’t around to stop you doesn’t mean you should do it. And […]

  3. 40 Hour Famine, Open Day must-sees (Suzanne)

    I am so, so, hungry right now, because I’m about 29 hours into the World Vision 40 Hour Famine, and I forgot to stuff myself during the meal immediately before my fast. Oh well. So far I’ve raised $62.60, and I’m aiming for about $120, which will feed eight kids in India and keep them […]

  4. Ireland (Georgie)

    So I’ve finally made it to Ireland, where all the rain is hiding. I’ve been here about a week now. It has been really great so far. I’m staying with family in Galway which is on the west coast. It is a nice change from hostels, and they have been great taking me around to meet […]

  5. Practice, seedy back alleys, clarinet shopping, and a rather good week (Suzanne)

    Hello all. I figured you all deserve an update on my oh-so-fascinating life, which I’m sure you all follow religiously and voyeuristically, so here we go: right now, I am supposed to be practicing (surprise, surprise?) because I decided to trial a new practice regime that involves doing four hours of practice every day – […]

  6. The Mighty Boosh

    So I went to the Mighty Boosh Festival in Kent with my uni friend Bronwyn who is also in London. Quite obviously, I didn’t actually have to tell you that. She’s going on exchange to Birmingham this semester. It was quite awesome actually, a really nice sunny day and good music and good comedy. But […]

  7. Back home… (Suzanne)

    Sometimes I’m a little bit sad that I can’t stay home for longer. I picked up the Hong Kong Philharmonic’s concert programme for the next season, and, while I’m in Melbourne, they’re putting on concerts from Yundi Li, Yo-yo Ma, Sumi Jo, Viktoria Mullova, and Stephen Hough, among many, many other rather famous and distinguished […]

  8. My exams are over, yay! (Suzanne)

    … and hopefully, they didn’t go too badly. Thus the most stressful semester ever comes to an end, and I am completely free! My god, I don’t even remember what people do in their free time anymore. I think I’ll clean my room, then go out to Safeway and buy some coffee so I can […]

  9. A Laundry Room Etiquette Manifesto (Suzanne)

    At JCH, and no doubt in many other forms of student housing, there are communal laundry machines. Two laundry machines, four dryers, and ninety-three students, to be exact. This creates ideal conditions for training negotiators for the prevention of the proliferation of nuclear warfare, for sharing laundry facilities is probably the number one cause of […]

  10. UCD Exchange (Georgie)

    I booked my flights today for my exchange. I’m leaving on the 25th of June which feels very very soon! I get back on the 25th of Feb, so I’ll be away 8 months! It’s all getting a bit real and scary now.

Number of posts found: 58