Category: Politics and current affairs

  1. Show me the money Centrelink, for I am Australia’s preeminent future (David)

    Apologies for another politically charged blog entry if it isn’t your thing but I feel this is relevant. Recently, the Age ran an article discussing the issue of student poverty with Glyn Davis saying that 440 Unimelb students are in effect homeless (the term used was ‘hot-bedding’, that is living with relatives or friends because […]

  2. Subject selections and assessment (Suzanne)

    So I realised the other day that LLB students (that’s law kids under the old model) can’t take classes offered to JD students (that’s law kids under the Melbourne Model). I’m really hoping that doesn’t mean subject cuts for LLB kids in law, because although the law faculty has a buttload of cash to throw […]

  3. I have finally found what I’ve been looking for (David)

    I would just like to announce to cyberspace that after two and a half months, I have finally found my study mojo… and it feels bloody awesome. Let’s hope the good run continues for me and for all of you.   Just a quick note: I watched Q&A on the ABC tonight and thought it […]

  4. Prague (Georgie)

    Hi all! I have just been accepted to the International Youth Leadership Conference that is held in July in Prague!  It’s a week of discussion and debate on international politics and I’m so excited about it! At the moment I’m trying to get a sponsor for it – ideas anyone? And seeing if I can […]

  5. From Optimism to Pessimism (Georgie)

    Well, it’s taken me halfway into my Arts course to realise, but the world is screwed. This realisation came during my Holocuast and Genocide tutorial on the Sudan genocide, a day after we had a Sudanese refugee talk to us. There is no realistic solution and it’s not only Sudan, all of Africa can look […]

  6. Sir, there’s a fly in my Farrago (David)

    I love the Farrago. It brightens my day when I realise the stands are stocked with a new edition. I love the layout and content of the publication. I love the varied topics, some quirky, some humourous, some informative and some satirical. For me, it reminds me that I am actually a uni student; and […]

  7. How lucky! (Georgie)

    Today was one of the days that I felt so lucky to come to Melbourne Uni. It started off with me spending 3 hours trying to work out how to get any funding to go towards my exchange, how to navigate Centerlink and then ringing up employers to help me work out how much money […]

  8. Teensy life update (Suzanne)

    So, I had a bit of a stress-and-bad-practice-related mental breakdown in the middle of the corridor yesterday, and I really, really appreciate my lovely and wonderful college friends for providing hugs and support, as well as for knocking some common sense into me. See, freshers, you do end up making friends who care. 🙂 Anyway. […]

  9. Rant Version 5.1

    Why oh why oh why must Commerce students be so annoying? Yet again we have the mass email syndrome going. It starts with some highly intelligent 95+ ENTER score student emailing the ENTIRE student list about some inane topic, and then every smart-ass in the faculty feeling like its his or her god-given-right to chime […]

  10. Green Power. Energetic lies.

    University Council is deciding on whether to purchase more Green Power, so write to the Vice-Chancellor to show student support, and Energize EXPOSED!

Number of posts found: 24