Category: Tips

  1. Back Again! (Hiruni)

    Can I make up for weeks without an update with a single post? No. Will I attempt to anyway? Yes 🙂   Like every semester before it, this one is slowly coming to be defined by what assessment I have due that week, and that’s without counting the horrors that are the final exams looming […]

  2. A Guide to Careers & Employment (Part 2- Careers Fair) (Hiruni)

    As promised, here is part 2 of my guide to the Careers and Employment services at the university. With the Careers Fair occurring a few weeks ago and the application period for internships opening quite soon, I thought I’d post about career decisions and opportunities more specific to second year and beyond. The University offered three […]

  3. Study Hangouts (Phoebe)

    New Year, New Me – it’s a saying that floats around a lot, mostly in the week pre- and post New Years. However, it’s been my motto for my first couple of weeks back at UniMelb. Yes, maybe it’s a little cliché but hey, it’s been working. I’ve been making extra special effort to get […]

  4. Holiday? What Holiday? (Hiruni)

    After a hectic exam period and an almost non-existent vacation due to my summer subject (more on that later), it feels great to get back into blogging, especially if it means venting to all my readers! Part of getting my life back on track meant that I had to cancel some of my vacation time […]

  5. A short post, in which I feel a little resigned, before going back to writing this bloody assignment.

    This post is largely going to be full of complaints about things I don’t have much control over. 3 years! Or, at least, nearly 3 years. What will I do with myself? I thought I’d know by now. All I really know is that I want to help people – somehow – or maybe go […]

  6. Long time, no see [Daniel]

    I’ve been travelling around Europe for the last month, after a year of saving. And… It’s been good I’ve learnt things, seen globalisation to a crazy extent (Toblerone is apparently a specialty in Qatar), and enjoyed the hospitality of past friends and acquaintances. I’d recommend it for anyone who has the time (money) or the […]

  7. University of Melbourne Exam Advice (from an exhausted veteran).

    I've had three hours sleep over the last two days, and my last exam for this semester ended officially 2 hours ago, so it seemed like the perfect time to write a post full of exam advice!

  8. Home alone [Daniel]

    It’s strange to think that you do do better by yourself, that other people, friends for instance, are actually just holding you back. It’s weird and strange, and echoes thoughts I had a long time ago, thoughts filled with trepidation over the idea of moving in with a friend. Maybe those thoughts were true. I’m […]

  9. Mid break [Daniel]

    I had a strong intention to write, That would make things ever so right, But before I could breeze, through what was an ease It was only ever a might   So that sums up an apology or two for not writing everywhere, and instead choosing (very conscientiously) to work and study first, movies and […]

  10. Sugar High. (Candy)

    “I can’t do this anymore.” The rich chocolate now leaving a horrible aftertaste in my mouth, I put down the hedgehog slice and tried to forget about the fact that I had, once again, induced a headache from excessive sugar consumption. Today – it was a white mocha and hedgehog slice from Plush Fish. I’ve […]

Number of posts found: 37