Columns of the Temple of Saturn at the west end of the Roman Forum, 2019. Photographer: Nicholas Hartmann via Wikimedia Commons

Emporium Roman Studies Research Network

Emporium is a research network by and for postgraduates in the field of Roman studies, led by Ash Finn and Giovanni Piccolo at University of Melbourne. Our primary aim is to create a safe and friendly space to bring together postgraduates around Australasia who want to share their research with one another in a way they might not have been able to do before.

The group is all about sharing knowledge and ideas in a communal way that is constructive for our individual research. We hope to reach out to postgraduates across Australasia and to overcome the geographical limitations imposed upon us both by distance and by COVID-19.

One of the upsides of 2020 has been realising that Zoom and other online platforms have made it possible to engage in productive discussion with others in our field, no matter in which city, country or continent they are. The long Melbourne lockdown has prompted us to give ourselves and others the opportunity to come together (remotely) and share our passion and interest for all that is Roman.

Our initial workshop was held on 8 December 2020, where we had some brilliant talks on topics as varied as adultery, identity, poisoning, and mirrors in Han China and Ancient Rome.

If you’re interested in joining the network and in future events, follow us on Twitter or contact us via email.

Feature image: Columns of the Temple of Saturn at the west end of the Roman Forum, 2019. Photographer: Nicholas Hartmann via Wikimedia Commons