History & Philosophy of Science Seminar Series
The History and Philosophy of Science program runs a weekly seminar series from 12 noon to 1pm on Wednesdays during semester. All are welcome to attend!
You can find information about the location of seminars, a schedule of forthcoming talks, as well as details of past presentations, on the HPS website. Remote attendance options are available for most sessions, with the link circulated by email a few days before the seminar. Please subscribe to the HPS Seminar mailing list to stay in the loop.
Feel free to spread the word about the seminar series, they are open to all interested people!
The seminars feature talks on the full range of the discipline, including historical studies, philosophical insights, social and cultural analyses of science and technology, and meta research into scientific practices. Presenters include local, interstate, and international scholars ranging from postgraduate students to distinguished professors.
If you have suggestions or requests for speakers, or any other questions, please contact the seminar series co-convenors by email: Kate Lynch or Jacinthe Flore.