Felicia Lee

  1. Beatrice Venturin is a senior tutor at the School of Languages and Linguistics, University of Melbourne. Her research interests lie in multilingualism, intercultural communication and emotionality in language. She is also a polyglot and a sports enthusiast. Felicia interviewed Beatrice about her experience as Senior Tutor at SOLL, and how she navigates her academic life teaching and doing research at the same time.


  2. SoLL Event: Bring Your Dog to Work Day

    21 June 2024 marked the first Bring your Dog to Work Day day at the School of Languages and Linguistics. Felicia took the opportunity to cuddle and pet some cute doggies that afternoon.


  3. Graduate Series: an Interview with Shuting Liu

    Felicia interviewed Shuting about her experience in linguistic research, her PhD project, its significance and her advice to aspiring doctorate students.


  4. Migration’s Impact on Sound Change: an Interview with Valentina De Iacovo, Visiting Fellow from University of Turin

    Valentina De Iacovo is a Researcher based at the University of Turin, Italy, and a visiting fellow at the phonetics laboratory at the School of Languages and Linguistics, University of Melbourne. Felicia interviewed Valentina about her experience as visiting Fellow at SOLL, and the significance of the project that she is currently working on with Prof. John Hajek


  5. Undergraduate Series: an Interview with Lex Durham-Arnold, Recipient of the Australian Global Languages Scholarship

    Felicia Lee Lex Durham-Arnold is an undergraduate student at the Faculty of Arts majoring in Criminology and Russian Studies. He is also concurrently undertaking a Diploma of Languages (French). He has recently received the Australian Global Languages Scholarship and travelled to Kyrgyzstan for an exchange programme with the London School of Languages and Cultures and […]


  6. Language, Politics and History: Complexity in Language in Wartime Ukraine

    24 February this year marked the two-year anniversary of the Russo-Ukrainian war. The war has raised complex questions relating to the role of language in the war, language issues and language choice among Ukrainians in post independent Ukraine. It is impossible to divorce the notion of language with history and politics in the discourse at the same time.


  7. Staff Series: an Interview with Melissa Bruorton

    Melissa Bruorton is the School Manager at the School of Languages and Linguistics, University of Melbourne. She takes care of all matters pertaining to strategic planning, human resources (HR), and finance at SoLL. Felicia interviewed Melissa about her role as Manager at the school, her prior work experiences, as well as her very colourful personal life.


  8. SoLL’s 30th Anniversary Celebration

    The School of Languages and Linguistics celebrated her 30th anniversary on 3 November 2023 at the Conversation Quarter, State Library. Felicia attended the event and learnt about the school’s history and progress.


  9. Staff Series: an Interview with Lourdes Sanchez Guerrero

    Felicia interviewed Lourdes Sanchez Guerrero about her role as Executive Support Officer at the school, her prior work experiences, as well as her very vibrant personal life.


  10. SOLL Event: Mid-Autumn Festival and Traditional Vietnamese Children’s Games

    Our very own academic staff from the School of Linguistics and Languages, Dr Tess Do and Dr Trang Nguyen, together with Dr Vu Lan Anh Pham, are organising a traditional Vietnamese festival that showcases Vietnam’s folk games and artefacts. To celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, mooncakes, spring rolls and tea will be served. The event is […]


Number of posts found: 31