Rena Gao

  1. French far-right dominate elections amidst attempts to halt their victory 

    By Monica Sestito Shortly after Marine Le Pen’s far-right party, Rassemblement National (RN), emerged dominant in the first round of French legislative elections last Sunday, thousands of protestors poured into the Place de la Republique.  A sense of urgent desperation gripped the crowd. As one university student protestor told Politico, “We have a week left, so we’ll keep […]

  2. Decolonisation of Space and Mind: The Native Garden Project

    Byline: Rikke Bundgaard-Nielsen, Lee, Oskar, Charles, Finn & Flynn. The first year Arts Discovery program has a strong focus on Indigenisation and decolonisation of the spaces and structures that we inhabit and invites students to step outside of the classroom and beyond traditional research outputs to create New Futures.  This has led a group of 2024 first-year […]

  3. Reconciliation Week 2024: Revitalising Indigenous Languages

    Rena Gao Held at the Arts Hall, Old Arts, the 2024 Reconciliation Week free breakfast and talk was a profound event organized by Ashley Michailaros and the School of Languages and Linguistics as part of their Diversity and Inclusion Calendar on 29th May 2024. The event provided a unique opportunity for the staff from the […]

  4. Dhudhuroa Language Day: Students Come Together to Celebrate Dhudhuroa Language

    Written by:  Dr Bill Forshaw | Academic Specialist – Indigenous Education On March 21 2024 Beechworth Montessori school hosted students learning Dhudhuroa language from five schools: Harrietville PS, Dederang PS, Wooragee PS, Beechworth Montessori and Bright P-12 College. Over 200 students participated on the day, ranging in age from Prep through to Year 12. Dhudhuroa is an […]

  5. In the Heart of Loire Valley: an Interview with the Coordinators for an Immersive Overseas French Studies Subject

    Rena Gao Prof Véronique Duché and Dr Nicholas Strole of the French Studies Program guided students through a three-week intensive trip to the Loire Valley for an immersive experience, focusing particularly on the French Renaissance. Rena speaks to Véronique and Nick about the subject, In the Heart of the Loire Valley, and the students’ experiences during […]

  6. Let the Voice Be Heard: SoLL Researchers present at the 18th International Pragmatics Conference in Belgium 

    Rena Gao The International Pragmatics Association (IPrA) is the largest organization of pragmatics studies,and in every two or three years, the IPrA holds a conference that provides a platform for likeminded researchers interested in the field of pragmatics to present their latest research. This year, the conference was held in Brussels, Belgium, from the 9th […]

  7. The power of collaboration: An interview with Emad A. Alghamdi, Assistant professor of computational linguistics at King Abdulaziz University

    Rena speaks to Emad A. Alghamdi about his PhD thesis and his experience collaborating with researchers from different fields.

  8. A Non-Stop Journey: Interview with Haiyu Zhang, a graduate from Master of Applied Linguistics

    What does life look like for a Master of Applied Linguistics graduate? Rena sits down with Haiyu Zhang who shares her experience.

  9. Beyond and After: SOLL Researchers’ Presentations at AAAL 2023 in Portland 

    Rena speaks to three SOLL researchers who presented at the American Associate of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) conference 2023 in Portland.