Tag: News

  1. SoLL Event: Bring Your Dog to Work Day

    21 June 2024 marked the first Bring your Dog to Work Day day at the School of Languages and Linguistics. Felicia took the opportunity to cuddle and pet some cute doggies that afternoon.


  2. Broad-left coalition politically deadlocked before the first meeting of new National Assembly

    By Monica Sestito Little over a week after its electoral victory over the far-right party Rassemblement National (RN), the broad-left New Popular Front (NFP) has replaced celebrations with acrimonious internal arguments over their preferred Prime Minister candidate. The coalition, which formed hastily after President Emmanual Macron’s shock decision to call legislative elections in June, is […]


  3. Far right pushed back, but the pathway to new government uncertain

    By Monica Sestito Crowds gathered in elated relief across urban centres of France as the far-right Rassemblement National(RN) party was defeated in the second round of legislative elections last night. After obtaining a historic 33 per cent of the vote in the first round of voting on Sunday 30 June, and being widely touted as […]


  4. French far-right dominate elections amidst attempts to halt their victory 

    By Monica Sestito Shortly after Marine Le Pen’s far-right party, Rassemblement National (RN), emerged dominant in the first round of French legislative elections last Sunday, thousands of protestors poured into the Place de la Republique.  A sense of urgent desperation gripped the crowd. As one university student protestor told Politico, “We have a week left, so we’ll keep […]


  5. Decolonisation of Space and Mind: The Native Garden Project

    Byline: Rikke Bundgaard-Nielsen, Lee, Oskar, Charles, Finn & Flynn. The first year Arts Discovery program has a strong focus on Indigenisation and decolonisation of the spaces and structures that we inhabit and invites students to step outside of the classroom and beyond traditional research outputs to create New Futures.  This has led a group of 2024 first-year […]


  6. SoLL Postgraduate Club End-of-Semester Event: Celebrating Community and Collaboration

    Xiaoyi Zhang The end of Semester 1, 2024 brought an exceptional event hosted by the SoLL Postgraduate Club in a local pub. This gathering provided a perfect opportunity for postgraduate students at different stages to socialise, share experiences and network. Thanks to Daniela, the dedicated organiser who has just returned from maternity leave, and the […]


  7. Graduate Series: an Interview with Shuting Liu

    Felicia interviewed Shuting about her experience in linguistic research, her PhD project, its significance and her advice to aspiring doctorate students.


  8. Alumni Series: an Interview with Dr David Wei Dai, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Education, University College London

    Chenyang Zhang Dr David Wei Dai is currently Assistant Professor of Professional Communication at the UCL Institute of Education, University College London. He completed his PhD at the School of Languages and Linguistics at the University of Melbourne. During his doctoral studies, he also worked as Lecturer in Professional Communication at Monash University. Chenyang conducted […]


  9. Reconciliation Week 2024: Revitalising Indigenous Languages

    Rena Gao Held at the Arts Hall, Old Arts, the 2024 Reconciliation Week free breakfast and talk was a profound event organized by Ashley Michailaros and the School of Languages and Linguistics as part of their Diversity and Inclusion Calendar on 29th May 2024. The event provided a unique opportunity for the staff from the […]


  10. Master Student Life at the School of Languages and Linguistics: Insights from Current Students

    Xiaoyi Zhang As the semester draws to a close, we had the pleasure of interviewing three master students from the School of Languages and Linguistics: Yangyang Li, Wanyi Bo, and Qiyin Huang. They shared their motivations, experiences, challenges, and personal growth throughout their academic journey. These interviews aim to better understand the student experience and […]


Number of posts found: 74