Designing video feedback to support the socioemotional aspects of online learning

A member of the Technology-Enhanced Learning research group at Melbourne CSHE, Tracii Ryan, has authored a new journal article published in Educational Technology Research and Development.

The article, titled ‘Designing video feedback to support the socioemotional aspects of online learning‘ will be part of a forthcoming special issue – Shifting to digital: Informing the rapid development, deployment, and future of teaching and learning. The special issue features articles focused on the emergency shift to online learning caused by COVID19.

In this somewhat unusual special issue, authors were required to produce 500-1000 word responses to articles that had been previously published in Educational Technology Research and Development. The goal of these responses was to highlight how findings from the original article could be used to inform news ideas for flexible learning, online learning, and learning disruption.

Tracii’s article responds a 2015 paper by Borup, West and Thomas, titled, The impact of text versus video communication on instructor feedback in blended courses. Essentially, the response suggests that the provision of video feedback can support positive socioemotional outcomes in learners. It also highlights three design considerations for educators to consider when designing video feedback for online learners: content, timing and personalisation.

The abstract and citation for the new article are presented below.

The COVID-19 pandemic required instructors to rapidly redesign subject delivery for the online environment. In dealing with this emergency situation, instructors may have focused their energies primarily on transitioning learning and assessment activities to the online context rather than working to support the socioemotional aspects of learning, such as belonging and motivation. As a result, online classes may have lacked social presence, leaving students feeling unvalued and demotivated. Research findings by Borup, West, and Thomas (Educ Technol Res Dev 63(2):161–184, 2015) indicate that instructors may be able to support positive socioemotional outcomes for online students through the provision of video feedback comments. The purpose of this short response is to briefly review the work of Borup et al. (2015) and, in doing so, highlight three key design considerations relating to the creation and provision of video feedback comments in order to bolster socioemotional outcomes for online students. Limitations and implications for future research are also discussed, including cultural and inclusivity issues.

Ryan, T. (2021). Designing video feedback to support the socioemotional aspects of online learning. Educational Technology Research and Development, 1-4.