Month: August 2023

  1. emoji stories

    Sarah Healy and Kate Coleman ‘Crazy-face’ (as siri calls it) with tongue sticking out emoji-bear is a whimsical creation by Jagath, made with emoji post-it note and personal notebook. Emojis are “off the shelf” (Jovanovic and Van Leeuwen, 2018) emotive responses that are ever increasing in number and popularity. According to emojipedia, there are currently […]

  2. Workshop 4: Digital dispositions for learning with the land

    Kate Coleman and Sarah Healy What kind of curriculum/s do we need for our futures? This culminating workshop with the Science Gallery Bengaluru Carbon Mediators was set in the workshop calendar to co-design a climate curriculum for the upcoming show, Carbon at SGB. SWISP is doing this because climate change is a threat to human well-being and […]

  3. workshop 3: playing with paper and stories

    Kate Coleman and Sarah Healy Workshop 3 with Science Gallery Bengaluru Carbon mediators began with a mediative SF (Speculative Fabulation) called no longer…not yet, by writer-in-residence, Jessica Laraine Williams. Jess created the SF as a participatory eco-narrative for the Climate, Art and Digital Activism Festival of ideas 2022. The intention of no longer…not yet was to […]

  4. Workshop 2: your climate story

    Kate Coleman and Sarah Healy In this SWISPy blog we show and tell the story of workshop 2 at Science Gallery Bengaluru. Our workshops are happening as Carbon Mediators prepare for the exhibition opening later in 2023. The upcoming exhibition-season CARBON asks: How do we understand carbon beyond the catch phrases and contradictions? Why does it […]

  5. becoming scicurious together

    Kate Coleman and Sarah Healy This 3 hour SWISP Lab x SGB Carbon Mediator workshop explored data in the middles; working as artists, scientists, re-searchers, inquirers, practitioners, makers, creators, playmakers and curators in a Science Gallery Network Mediator laboratory. Working within our enabling constraints of space and time, we walked, data collected, carefully coded, analysed […]