Contributed articles
(with Louie Bernhardt and Dongxiao Yu) John’s blow up examples and scattering solutions for semi-linear wave equations, 16 pages (2024).
MATRIX Annals 2404.12878
Hyperbolic PDEs and Nonlinear Evolution Problems
(with Grigorios Fournodavlos) Stability of the expanding region of Kerr de Sitter spacetimes, 45 pages (2024).
(with Martin Taylor) Inverse modified scattering and polyhomogeneous expansions for the Vlasov–Poisson system, 48 pages (2024).
(with Hans Lindblad) Scattering for wave equations with sources close to the lightcone and prescribed radiation fields, 50 pages (2023).
2303.10569v4 [math.AP]
Recorded talks by Volker: ESI, Vienna (June 2024), BIRS, Banff (July 2023)
Recorded talks by Hans: ESI, Vienna (May 2024) , IAS, Princeton (April 2023)
(with Hans Lindblad) Scattering from infinity for semi linear wave equations satisfying the null condition or the weak null condition, Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations 20 (1), 155-218 (2023).
World Scientific 1711.00822
Banff International Research Station (online talk) -
Decay of the Weyl curvature in expanding black hole cosmologies, Annals of PDE (2022).
Springer SharedIt Enhanced PDF 1610.04172
YouTube, PRCM, UC Berkeley -
Optical functions in de Sitter, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 62 (8), 082501 (2021)
(with Grigorios Fournodavlos) On `hard stars’ in general relativity, Annales Henri Poincaré, 20(7), 2135-2172 (2019)
(with Spyros Alexakis) Non-existence of time-periodic vacuum space-times, J. Differential Geom. Volume 108, Number 1 (2018), 1-62.
Project Euclid 1504.04592
Simons Center for Geometry and Physics
Oberwolfach Report, 3 pages. -
(with with Spyros Alexakis and Arick Shao) Unique continuation from infinity for linear waves, Advances in Mathematics 286 (2016) 481-544.
Elsevier 1312.1989
Banff International Research Station (Talk by Spyros Alexakis) -
Global results for linear waves on expanding Kerr and Schwarzschild de Sitter cosmologies, Communications in Mathematical Physics: Volume 334, Issue 2 (2015), 977–1023.
Decay of linear waves on higher dimensional Schwarzschild black holes, Analysis & PDE 6-3 (2013), 515–600.
Linear waves on higher dimensional Schwarzschild black holes and Schwarzschild de Sitter spacetimes, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Cambridge (2012), 223 pages.
The asymptotics of the gravitational field and the memory effect, Dipl.phys. Thesis, ETH Zurich (2008), [expository, after D. Christodoulou, Nonlinear Nature of Gravitation and Gravitational-Wave Experiments, Phys. Rev. Letters (67), no 12, pp. 1486–1489, (1991)], 48 pages.