Posted under 2014 Things

  1. Thing 13: Screen capture tools & making and sharing podcasts and videos

    This week, we continue to look at different ways in which you can present your research to the world at large. Thing 13 was written by …

  2. Thing 12: Tools for presenting your research

    We’ve all been there: that presentation that was death by PowerPoint… Presenting your research well is of course about more than the tools you use, but …

  3. Thing 11: Managing and manipulating digital images

    Following directly on from Thing 10 on finding online images, this week’s post looks in detail at managing and manipulating digital images. Thing 11 has been …

  4. Thing 10: Finding and using online photos and images

    This week’s post looks at a range of tools for finding photographs and other images online. It also has some useful pointers on making sure you’re …

  5. Thing 09: Web-conferencing and communication tools

    As cross-institutional research collaboration becomes increasingly common, more and more researchers need to communicate with one another via web-conferencing tool that allow them not only to …

  6. Thing 08: Mind-mapping and brainstorming tools

    Approaching a new research topic can often seem daunting: you often need to get to grips with a large body of diverse, complex and multi-faceted data. …

  7. Thing 07: Researcher identifiers and your publication profile

    Nowadays, merely undertaking interesting research is not enough to build a successful career as a researcher; it’s also crucial in the competitive world of academia to …

  8. Thing 06: Managing your online research networks

    This week, 23 Research Things takes a look at online research networks, such as, Research Gate and LinkedIn. Thing 06 has been written by Mary Stone, …

  9. Thing 05: Blogging your research

    23 Research Things is back after a brief Easter break with a blog post on blogging: very meta…   What is academic blogging? Blogging is becoming …

  10. Thing 04: Social Media for Researchers

    This week’s we dip our toes into the waters of social media, looking in particular at Twitter and Facebook. Thing 04 has been written by David …

Number of posts found: 20