I Blog, Therefore I Am. (Olle)

The most weird thought struck me today: Will I be a blog ghost?

History class, you pick up a dusty book from a shelf. You sit there and think: this mate had something clever to say. Or what happens most of the time, why do I have to read this? Right, for my history class….

Year 2038. Future students will sit in front of their computers (maybe computers will be considered old) and browse through the blogs. And the essay question will be something like this:

Why did the people of the 21st century feel the urge to blog? Analyse and discuss.

I look at this and I laugh. It’s funny because it’s true. Why do my generation feel a sudden necessity to share their personal thoughts on the web? Just look at Facebook. It’s almost scary, come to think of it.

I honestly don’t know what will happen when a blogger dies. Does his/her blog remain? Does he become this virtual ghost in cyberspace? Will there be a 1st and 2nd generation of bloggers? If this is the case, to which blog generation do I belong?

Maybe those are the type of questions you’ll answer in your essay. In 2038.

It could start like this:

Olle was a uni blogger during the FINANCIAL CRISIS ERA, and was heavily influenced by Facebook and Australian culture.


One thought on “I Blog, Therefore I Am. (Olle)

  1. LMAO!!
    omg i dont think I’ve laughed so hard in ages, you are SO meant to be a writer! very true though… a bit creepy too. hmm, im feeling organised so im going to leave my comments in point order (ooh who’s being all technological now! lol)

    1. why DO we feel the need to share EVERYTHING. Like now, why are we online, discussing this very random topic where lots of other people can read what we think/ say/ feel?

    2. When a blogger dies?! Oh, no wait you mean in the abstract theoretical sense, not when one of us first year bloggers dies in a freak accident. Ok that’s fine. But yeah… maybe there is a certain time period, after which if a blog hasn’t been updated it just disappears. This would be sensible given that the internet has run out of IP addresses or something like that.

    3. I don’t think anyone has specifically allocated us a generation yet, so we can just be generation ‘cool’. Oh god im nerdy.

    4. Yes, facebook is scary and has shown to contribute heavily to emotional stress and psychological disorders. Weird.

    I like the start of your essay. Except, maybe in 2038 people won’t even write in regular english any more, it will all be some crazy blog language and only Melbourne Uni students enrolled in BA ‘media comms and bloggish’ will be able to understand it.

    I am going now, this comment has been ridiculously long.

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