
  1. What I learnt during first year (Adeshola)

    Finishing exams always feels like a bit of an anti-climax. For weeks you’re hidden away studying and let’s be honest, procrastinating about how wonderful finishing exams will be. Then you finally finish the last exam, walk out and it’s all over instantly. This was me on Friday as I penciled in my final answer for […]

  2. The 'time really flies' post (Adeshola)

    Apologies for my lack of blog presence over the last couple of weeks. The blog has been looking pretty empty lately as we head towards final assessment panic, the much dreaded SWOT VAC and exams. It’s quite scary to think of how quickly these year has gone. It does not feel like that long ago […]

  3. Student elections, major dilemmas and the long awaited break (Adeshola)

    We’re more than half way through second semester. In fact, eight weeks in and the scary thought that second year looms upon us not too far in the distance has popped up. It’s been awhile since I last posted, as Uni has been quite hectic lately. Let me fill you in with what has been […]

  4. A week called Prosh… (Adeshola)

    Last Monday morning at 10am I was dressed as a robot and marching into North Court of Union House. This is not how my Monday mornings usually begin, but this was Prosh Week. Let me explain for those of you who haven’t heard of Prosh Week (where have you been?) or didn’t have their lectures […]

  5. When I grow up…. (Adeshola)

    As a University student hoping to become a journalist, I’d like to think that print media is far from ‘dead’. Ironically, though I type these words to be published on a blog. Most recently was the Fairfax saga in which it was announced that hundreds of jobs would be cut from newspaper giants ‘The Age’ […]

  6. Back to Uni we go…. (Adeshola)

    So I’m writing this post in the Baillieu library after an afternoon spent helping out at the O-week Clubs and Society’s stall. It definitely feels rather odd being back on campus aftter almost six weeks of holidays, but I thought I’d ease my way back into Uni life. In fact, the library is lovely and […]

  7. Feeling the zen…. (Adeshola)

    So I’m writing this post in bed with a cup of tea and thinking how much I adore the Winter holidays. Summer’s great for the excitement, the hot weather and the endless array of outings, music festivals and beach days, but Winter is lovely to simply stay warm and not do much else. Being on […]

  8. Post exam post? (Adeshola)

    Semester one of uni? Check, done, finito! It’s finally complete over. No more readings, no more feelings of guilt every time I log onto Facebook, no more assignments or exams! We’ve finally reached the end of Semester one. SWOT VAC was quite honestly, horrible. If, like most first year students you were attempting to cram […]

  9. SWOT VAC begins…. (Adeshola)

    So we’ve arrived at the lovely period of time called SWOTVAC. It’s an odd time really, a part of you wants to go out and celebrate the end of first semester or stay at home watching movies and TV in bed all day. After all, the name does have the word ‘vacation’ in it. Yet, […]

  10. So close now…. (Adeshola)

    Wow! Where has this semester gone? It’s 10 weeks that have gone by so quickly, with only two to go. Exams are definitely creeping closer and subjects beginning to wrap up as revision is undertaken. I just completed my “Subject survey” for each subject on the LMS and it was a scary reminder of how […]

Number of posts found: 18