
  1. Pistachios (David)

    My lovely Mum dropped by and gave me an assortment of my favourite nuts. Pistachios, almonds and cashews. She reckons I will study better if I eat nuts. I reckon studying is less painful when there’s something to chew on. Anyway, I will remind my Mum next time not to get me Pistachios. Why? Because […]

  2. Attention: socialists, capitalist pigs, dorito eaters, bubble cup drinkers, symphony metal listeners (David)

    I went to the group interview as part of the process to become a host for O-week next year. I thoroughly enjoyed the interview and I was leaving, I realised what was different this semester. At the beginning of the year, everybody was excited and receptive to making new friends. However, as the year went […]

  3. The Rat Race (David)

    It’s been aaaaaaages since my last post and the only excuse I can come up with is procrastination. Please forgive me? Uni is coasting along just fine, nothing super exciting has happened thus worth mentioning so I won’t bore you. Instead, I will go straight into what has been on my mind lately. To be […]

  4. The more you see the less you know (David)

    It’s been a fair while since my last post, I sincerely apologise for that. As a result of my long absence from this blog, this is gonna be a long one and since most people cant be bothered reading the whole blog, I have outlined the paragraphs and their respective topics: – Moving into college […]

  5. Winter blues (David)

    The cold weather has finally got to me. I have been ill the last few days and it’s pissing me off. I advise anyone planning to sleep at a friend’s house to ensure that their house has some sort of heating or spare blankets. I think I caught my cold by sleeping on the floor […]

  6. Song for a Winter's Night (David)

    So the holidays officially started for me last week and it has been good so far. I feel lazy and deflated, which is a usual feeling for me after exams are completed. I have been sleeping really late and waking up really late. It’s not good and I should correct it before it becomes a […]

  7. Hopscotch (David)

    I think I have a habit of blogging on Monday nights/early Tuesday mornings. All my entries have been made during these times. Uni is still a bit up and down. Today I had a great day. But I betcha that something bad will happen tomorrow to correct the universal order. Ever since uni begun, I […]

  8. It's the end… (David)

    …of the Easter break and the beginning of the second half of semester 1. NOOOOOOO! Just when I was starting to enjoy my holidays and the freedom that comes with age. The end of the Easter break also marks the return of the monkey on my back (his name is ‘Mr. Nodontgooutoropenthefridgeevery15minutesdoyourbloodyhomework!’ (He is African […]

  9. Still Undecided

    Since my last post (which was my first ever) I have: • been on a waterskiing camp • been falling behind in study • been wanting something that I will be unlikely to get because it is taken Well uni is in full swing now and I am still not sure if I like it […]

  10. No you're not the late one, I am! (David)

    it’s been three weeks since O-Week and I am still undecided about uni. I am still not sure whether I like it or not. Since uni began, my emotions have fluctuated a gzillion times per day. For example, I would feel like crap in the morning if I have to get up at 7am for […]