SWOTVAC and Procrastination (Fine Arts)
Again. Not representing entire faculty :L just me. #responsibleblogger #misleading titiles FIRST COMES THE CAUSE: This is a post. On procrastination *says I as I proceed to close le Netflix tab with The Paradise episode 5 playing* mmm *coughs forever* So…Recently, depending what you consider recent…I was subtly (depending what you consider subtle) grilled about […]
First Term the Worst? That’s Fine.
Let’s just say my name is Momo. Not Japanese for “peach,” momo 桃 // but an English nickname for a nickname “Elmo.” Momo. I’m a Fine, fine young lady–jks I’m a Bachelor of Fine Arts student. Not to be confused with “Finance” spoken quickly with a British accent Or “Fine Ants” spoken quickly with excessive nasal […]