
  1. Help! (Georgie)

    I can’t pick what subject I want to replace spanish with next semester! There are too many good ones, and even narrowing it down to subjects that only have lectures on Tues – Thurs (so I get 2 days off), I’m still picking from 5 – ARGHHHHH! So any suggestions welcome. It’s between: – Pyramids […]

  2. I love Uni!!! (Georgie)

    So semester one of my first year of uni is over, and I’ve come to the conclusion that Uni is the most awesome thing in the world. I can’t believe how good and easy and fun it is. Especially the easy part. Maybe it’s because I’m studying subjects I really like, or maybe it’s because […]

  3. Number 15 – Life is awesome (Georgie)

    Mwah Ha Ha! I have now officially finished all my semester 1 assessment! Yay! But I do agree with the others, it does have a down side-most of my friends still have exams and essays to finish, so I’ll have to hang out all by myself. But I think I can live with it! Life […]

  4. Number 14 (Georgie)

    There are too many sultanas in Sultana Bran.

  5. Number 13 – The end is near (Georgie)

    Three subjects down, one to go. I’ll be free by this Friday.

  6. Number 12 – Procrastinating (Georgie)

    Q – You know what? I was slightly jealous of myself, I couldn’t believe my luck, exams over by the end of swotvac! But now, my extreme aptitude for procrastination has forced my three essays to all be last minute ones, and I’m not liking my position at the moment. Exams vs. Essays – anyone […]

  7. Update on my oh so interesting life (Georgie)

    Work: Doncaster A&R closed down so am now just a company casual. So far have had a few calls to work and have gotten a few shifts at chaddy and camberwell. Been for an interview at Borders on Lygon – unsucessful. Interviews suck. Was complaining to a friend about my joblesssness and now I’m at […]

  8. I Hate Spanish (Georgie)

    I hate Spanish.

  9. Number 9 – New Plan (Georgie)

    My grand plan last time I left you: to become an expert on the topic for my tute that week so as to be able to discuss (hopefully intelligently) ‘The Rise of Conservatism’. Result: Extra reading did not help that much because in the USA Today tutes we talk more about contemporary issues than looking […]

  10. Number 8 – Feeling Dumb (Georgie)

    Here’s the problem with Melbourne Uni. Not to sound conceited or anything, but at high school I was one of the smart ones. So if I thought someone’s comments were rubbish in class I could just discount them and be like ‘they don’t know what they’re talking about’. I was also the queen of essay […]

Number of posts found: 27