Homer to Hollywood: a Student Epic
Ok. So I know we’re technically meant to put our real names in brackets in the title but I really don’t want to... given my proneness to vicious and bitter rants [...]blogs.unimelb.edu.au/first-year/2009/03/11/homer-to-hollywood-a-students-epic
I'm an Adult. (Excuse me While I Call my Mummy)
Well. That was possibly one of the busiest and most stressful weeks of my life. [...]blogs.unimelb.edu.au/first-year/2009/03/08/im-an-adult-excuse-me-while-i-call-my-mummy
Oweek: Reflections pt 2
1. I’m bored. 2. I have no work… yet. Ok… where were we? Oh right. [...]blogs.unimelb.edu.au/first-year/2009/03/01/oweek-reflections-pt-2-level12
Oweek: Reflections pt 1
Ok. So I’m sitting in my room here at college listening to the dulcet tones of a drunken student singing ‘Woo Hoo’ in a surprisingly high voice, wondering [...]blogs.unimelb.edu.au/first-year/2009/02/27/oweek-reflections-level12
Ah the dreaded introduction. How tiresome. But I guess it’s also fitting [...]