
  1. Ugh, another Monday.

    I remember one of my brother’s friends always being late to school on Monday because of ‘Mondayitis’. It’s the fresh start of the week, but one just gets used to sleeping in on weekends or having that extra hour of rest. I can definitely say I don’t fall into that category =P. Despite the fact […]

  2. 1/6th way through my 3 hour break…

    Yup, as usual I’m on a computer in the Student Union Lab doing my usual internet activities (checking my blog, reading online articles and checking my email), and I just thought that it would be totally awesome if I posted a blog right now just to further procrastinate on the catch-up Psych work I’ve been […]

  3. Mrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggllllllll

    I know what the title refers to (well, only WoW players would get this =P), but it’s also the sound that I feel like mumbling over and over because I’m not really in a mood to sleep and am listening to some Haydn (Cello Concerto in C Major, if you were wondering). I find it […]

  4. Hurhur, I'm the last one now!

    Yup, another late blogger joining the ranks! I’m Matthew (but you can call me Matt), and you will probably have observed by now that my screenname is ‘Matthras’ – it’s a rather lame pseudonym that I maintain online especially when I’m in communities with other Matts (thank god there isn’t any here!). BEFORE I continue […]

Number of posts found: 14