
  1. 2009 – how original. [nicola]

    Hi to all! I hope you’re have a great 2009, for the year has just begun – and I’m so full of excitement as to what it may bring. I spent my New Year in Singapore, before heading to Manado, Indonesia (via KL) with my family and some family friends. There was the joy of […]

  2. PwC [nicola]

    ok, just HAD to mention this… PwC got back to me & I have an interview with them! (except its on a day where I’m in the Blue mountains, so I have to leave at 6am to get to a 4pm interview back in Melbourne!) Edit (7/12): Got in!

  3. Ad astra [nicola]

    Everyone has a thing, a vice, a small source of comfort. Mine is chocolate… having already written a post, praising it in all its glories at the start of the exam period, I’m now writing this the day before my last exam. This of course is the reason why I’m sweating over lecture notes, intermittantly […]

  4. Sit vis nobiscum [nicola]

    Procrastinating. Again. I watched two movies on Fri and Sat and then spent the entire afternoon surfing the web doing those quizzes that one always finds most amusing when one should be doing something else. Sure, at the back of my head I know I should be studying – but I’D HAD ENOUGH. There is […]

  5. Chocolate [nicola]

    Thank goodness for chocolate. ok, thats all. source: Edit [hehe.. for all those science nerds… it’s a ferrous wheel!! hehe..]

  6. help? [nicola]

    May be it is just me. I’m soo not stressed at the moment. Which is really unusual. Theoretically this should be a worry. Help? Hoping that the next few weeks will be as awesome as any other. How can it not be? Although I’m still waiting to blow something up in Chemistry prac. This is […]

  7. live! [nicola]

    ah ha. So that is why there were 3000 people in cosplay loitering around the university last week. It was manifest – a huge anime festival happening over the weekend. I just so happened to bump into a few dressed in sailor moon outfits on my way to the library before realising. Much action has […]

  8. Halcyon [nicola]

    Like schools, we have the next two weeks off. The first day to celebrate the wonderful moments of following two weeks were spent wandering around Ikea with my family kitting out one of the rooms at home which has so far acted like a ‘whatever’ room. Now we just have to figure out how to […]

  9. just feathers [nicola]

    Right now I’m trying to stuff 3 strawberry flavoured cream wafer biscuits into my mouth at the same time. It is quite hard. *waits about 10 seconds* But do-able. Not that you really needed to know that. This week there was voting taking place for the student union. With all the elections and everything its […]

  10. prosh week/and other [nicola]

    nope.. umm – no extra news. Though I did say I’ll keep you posted.. (is old news now anyway) [Edit 4/9] : Did you guys know that festival of the nations was on yesterday and the day before? All I have to say was yuuum. For someone who would fly to Singapore just for the […]

Number of posts found: 22