
  1. On being drained.

    You know when you’ve gone through a day in that lethargic mood where you don’t want to do anything, and because you’ve done nothing you feel mopey, and that makes you even more lethargic, and then you go down a self destructive spiral of bum-on-chair and eyes-on-screen? Yeah. That was me today. It’s been so […]

  2. Why writing law essays is a pain-in-the-posterior (Suzanne)

    When I write normal, artsy style essays, like the ones I do for music history, there are certain phrases which I like to use. These include “substantial”, “remedy [for a problem etc]”, “(in)significant”, and “question”. These words all have legal meanings, which, while similar to their common meanings, are actually not exactly the same. So […]

  3. Busy busy busy bee… (Suzanne)

    I really don’t want to know how much of my college download limit I’ve used up today. You see, in the past 7 days I have had two essay deadlines. And a choir concert. And open day tour-guiding. And music ball organising. And a mini-chamber-music presentation. On top of the usual practise, reading, and meetings. […]

  4. Double-bookings

    You know, one of the things that is most annoying about university is that there is no longer a standardised timetable of events that everyone attends. This means that most weeks there are multiple places I need/want to be at the same time, and unfortunately, only one of me. For instance, next Wednesday is both […]

  5. Back for another semester (Suzanne)

    … and falling behind already. I have 77 pages of reading for Dispute Resolution for tomorrow, gave up after 50. The dozen or so cases assigned for Torts scares me, but thankfully it’s [short] extracts and not the whole thing, so the total comes to about 20 pages, nice and light. No introductions in lectures […]

  6. Timetables and textbooks

    So I opened my email inbox, and there are 41 new messages, all from students wanting to swap tute times for law classes. I’m tempted to switch out of my 11-1 Mon/Wed Dispute Resolution class for a 4-6 or 9-11, because then I can take my Aural Studies tute at the right level, instead of […]

  7. Comparing notes (Suzanne)

    It’s interesting, coming back to Hong Kong and finding out about the experiences of all my high school friends. We went to an international school, and generally it’s much more common to go overseas for university in Hong Kong than it is in Australia (I still find it hard to wrap my head around the […]

  8. Yaaaayyyy! (Suzanne)

    So, two things have made me rather happy this week. The first is coming back to Hong Kong and realising that the Philharmonic spent their new endowment and corporate sponsorship money on a brand new concert series featuring internationally renowned guest artists. Yesterday, I saw Joshua Bell in concert (He was amazing. I loved it, […]

  9. Ten things I have noticed upon returning home (Suzanne)

    1. My room has been completely renovated and most of the stuff I didn’t bring to uni has been chucked out. 2. It’s the middle of hot, humid, summer here. And the middle of rainy season. Dear cheese, I hate Hong Kong weather. 3. I have gained 8 pounds/4 kilograms of extra mass over the […]

  10. Things to do before I leave (Suzanne)

    1. Smuggle coffee, Nutella, and vitamin pills out of the country. They’re much cheaper here than in Hong Kong, and HK has no quarantine laws unless you’re bringing in morphine or bioweapons. 2. Measure bed + quilt, to buy new bedsheets back home. 3. Borrow and listen to CDs from music library, borrow/read books — […]

Number of posts found: 42