Saint Suzi of Supply+Demand, Statistics and Study [Suzi]
"So, what happens after you get your degrees?", "So you guys apparently hate all pianists and mainstream guitarists, who do you like again?", "Do you sit around discussing Bach?", "Okay, if not Bach, Mozart?", "If there's a diatonic scale, is there a triatonic one? Quatratonic? Sexatonic? Octotonic?", "Do all flautists have a flaut-y look to them?"
My Most Recent Torrid Love Affair Gone Awry [Suzi]
In other news, I fell asleep during my second lecture today. Not much else needs to be said. It was an accident; I have absolutely nothing against Accounting - but I fear it holds a vendetta against me. Behold, the evils of Counting Godz (A.K.A. The Numbersmen* – they rent out the name to an up-and-comin’ band from Reykjavik on weekends for extra profit.)
You, me & Alloc8 [SuziQ]
What with the traditional Entering-University hazing basically relegated to the Collegiate, I found my first real test-of-character-and-assorted-idiocy-referred-to-euphemistically-as-‘tenacity’ with the artist formerly known as Alloc8. (I mentally spell it ‘AlloKate’; I fear this may have consequences for any Kates I meet in future. A preemptive apology to all the Kates and Katherines-who-shorten if I come across […]