Saint Suzi of Supply+Demand, Statistics and Study [Suzi]

I seem to have forgotten how to do my homework.

I spend quite a bit of time seated, papers spread around me waiting to be inked and perused. Instead, I turn to eBay, FaceBook (I’m late to the game, but the MouseHunt application is all addictimafiyingive;) and any other channel that does not actually involve drawing supply/demand curves, figuring out correlation coefficients or A = L + Eq. Basically, I’m really good at procrastinating and generally not being a Comm student.

Today I spent some time hanging around music students, generally being a nuisance and/or pretending to be One of Them. I figured it would do well for my general state, as they are unlikely to have finished the Accounting assignment already, or rearranged equations to get r like the tute sheet asked for in stats. Questions posed by me include: “So, what happens after you get your degrees?”, “So you guys apparently hate all pianists and mainstream guitarists, who do you like again?”, “Do you sit around discussing Bach?”, “Okay, if not Bach, Mozart?”, “If there’s a diatonic scale, is there a triatonic one? Quatratonic? Sexatonic? Octotonic?”, “Do all flautists have a flaut-y look to them?” etc. etc. etc.

It had the EXACT OPPOSITE EFFECT. I felt SO DUMB when they talked about movable dohs and relative pitch and yeah okay the moaning about how irritating it would be to have perfect pitch was kind of pretentious, but STILL. FEEL SO DUMB as my music tastes pretty much consist of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Johnny Cash, Etta James and Michael Jackson right now.

So, what happened? I. Went. Back. To. Doing. Commerce.

Really. I got some reading done straight after my Music School encounter. I’ve realized this is an integral part of university life- being made to feel stupid, and then running to my Quantitative Methods books for solace. I recommend this kind of therapy for any student frustrated at their own departmental doables. Just go visit the music school.*


*NB this does not work if you actually know something about music.

P.S. This should be taken in a completely lighthearted manner. I love music students, I do. “You sing the body electric” 😉

4 thoughts on “Saint Suzi of Supply+Demand, Statistics and Study [Suzi]

  1. Well sorrrrrrrrrrry if us musos are so engrossed in our own bickering and discussions =P

    And no, there’s no triatonic and onwards type of scale. Diatonic describes the quality of the scale, nothing to do with number!

  2. Oh, not at all, I admire your collective dedication. I added a P.S., by the way, after realizing I might face lynching and/or disciplinary actino 😛

    Also, the “quality”? Like, diatonic is made in German workshops and the others are made in South Asian sweatshops?

  3. Oh nah, you won’t get lynched by me. Don’t worry!

    As for quality, well in basic music theory there’s two types of scales. Diatonic and chromatic scales. Chromatic scales are where steps between each note is a semitone, whereas diatonic scales usually refer to your typical major/minor scales. Maybe ‘quality’ wasn’t the right word, but I can’t think of a better one!

  4. Well, not by you particularly, lynching requires a mob by definition, right?

    I have NO IDEA what your paragraph meant. CASE IN POINT.

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