Category: Clubs & campus activities

  1. This blog is brought to you by the letter Y (Cristina)

    Why the letter Y? Well, Y not? I think it’s safe to say that I’m fully getting into uni life now. Two assignments due next week that I’m just starting today,  attending free pizza lunches when I could have started said assignments instead, avoiding creepy people at lectures, attempting to sleep on the South Lawn […]

  2. Chapter Four: Shame (~jinghan)

    And there I was standing in the middle of a lecture hall with my heart pumping, as I held onto as sincere and friendly a smile as I could. I was dearly grateful for the chair-back behind me to somehow keep me standing. “So… would anyone like to nominate someone – or themself – to […]

  3. First Week Smoosh

    Since I can’t make myself finish the reading I should be doing (Rousseau, Locke, Hobbes? Seriously guys, sit down we have to talk), I thought I could at least do my neglected blog post. I don’t know if I can add anything particularly meaningful to the other first week perspectives but bear with me anyway. […]

  4. Chapter Three: Reality (~jinghan)

    It was 7:27pm and I was travelling home on the train after my first day of classes at university feeling like I had suffered an embarrassing defeat at the hands of reality. The sky was still a bright blue, but the long shadows and my exhausted body reminded me of how late it was. All […]

  5. And on the third blog, she started uni for realz (Cristina)

    I am ABSOLUTELY DETERMINED to make this blog not-long. *insert an hour of doing something else/forgetting I had started this post* Right, on with it. So my uni life started quite well, in the sense that the night before starting, I arranged to meet with my new friend before our first lecture (Introduction to Media […]

  6. Busy streets, cheap eats: first weeks (Cara)

    I’ve got a much-battered, coffee-stained leaf of paper leering at me from my desk with the words ‘Things to tell the Blog’ scrawled on it, and it’s guilt-tripping me into writing to you. So hi, blog. Let me tell you some things. Since last week, things have been crazily busy. Some fun times were had, […]

  7. Advice From A Person You've Never Met.

    Hello again, mystery audience. It seems like a long time since I have blogged, but maybe that’s because I haven’t checked back here… In… Oh… A day. University has indeed begun – properly this time – and already I feel like I’ve been doing it forever. Why, you ask? Well. Here is a list of […]

  8. Blog Title II [carolina]

    Please enjoy my succinct list of O-Week related tips and tricks: Tip #1: don’t loose the number of your host group leader because you will never ever find them and then be forced to join some other group that was kind of awkward and didn’t look like they believed you when you reassured them you […]

  9. Lists make this blog look longer than it actually is, so DON'T PANIC (Cristina)

    Seeing as though I wrote my first/last (omit one of them and read the rest of the sentence, they both actually make sense) blog on a Friday, I felt it fitting that I would write my next blog on a Friday as well. Like Laura before me said, I think it’s a good idea to […]

  10. O-Week – maybe sleeping in would be time better spent.

    Most of us bloggers seem to be thinking that O-Week is… Well. Over-rated. “Blah.” I think Laura said? (correct me if I’m wrong!) Oh my it is blah. Very blah. Especially for us commuters, it’s nearly useless. Yesterday was a day I was looking forward to – yay clubs etc! Maybe attend a lecture on […]

Number of posts found: 192